Orebfuscator - Anti X-RAY:
For all releases of 1.9/1.9.1/1.9.2/1.9.4/1.10/1.11/1.12.x/1.13.x: Version 4.4.3
Now with support for CraftBukkit 1.9/1.9.1/1.9.2/1.9.4/1.10/1.11/1.12.x/1.13.x!
This plugin is used to counter X-RAY Client mods.
It modifies data that are sent to clients to hide blocks of your choice, such as Ore, chests, dungeons, etc.
It does not manipulate blocks in the world file, thus is safe to use.
ProximityHider is a feature that hides chests that are far from players.
As of 4.3.3, Proximity Hider has been enhanced to use line-of-sight checks, not just proximity! Upgrade today.
Configuration Guide
Please read compatibility information before downloading as not all releases work with all versions of CraftBukkit.
Latest version should be on BukkitDev, or as a release on the Github page: https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/releases
Please also download ProtocolLib and install it in the plugins folder.
- Is compatible only with version 4.0.0 or newer.
- For 1.9.4 support, you must use build 277 or newer of Protocollib 4.0
- For 1.10 support, you must use build 293 or newer of Protocollib 4.0
- For 1.11 support, please use latest stable builds of ProtocolLib for 1.11.
- For 1.12 support, please use ProtocolLib 4.3.0 or newer.
- For 1.13 support, please use ProtocolLib 4.4.0 or newer.
- Download link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/
- Legacy Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/protocollib/
- Advanced algorithm that hides ore, chest and and anything you specify in the configuration
- Spout compatible, but optional
- No modifications to CraftBukkit.jar is needed
- Customize the blocks you want to hide
- HIDES DUNGEONS and other blocks that are in the dark
- Different hiding mode, or scrambling.
- Extensive configuration. Change updating methods depending on your bandwidth and processing speed.
- Hide hidden chests and furnaces until a player is close to it.
- Hide hidden chests and furnaces until a player can see it.
- Copy "orebfuscator-4.4.3.jar" to your plugins folder
- If you're upgrading from Orebfuscator.jar, move the contents of the "Orebfuscator3" folder to the "Orebfuscator4" folder
- Restart your server.
See this: https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/wiki
See this: https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/wiki
See this: https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/wiki
Source Code
Here you go! (Hosted on Github) - please post issues and requests for help there
- This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that anonymous information of your OS and setup will be collected and sent to mcstats.org
- Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
- Aleksey_Terzi, single-handedly updating to CraftBukkit 1.9, 1.11, and 1.12!
- DevotedMC for taking over management of the project
- AFFORESS, major help on code optimization and spout support!
- Lishid, for years(!) of maintaining this plugin, and MarioG1 for recent patch support
- raphfrk, helped with packet processing
- Many donators!
- See the issues page for any outstanding problems.
- A command that generates the world cache for the existing chunks.
Version 4.4.3
- Support for Minecraft 1.13.2 latest builds (CraftBukkit/Spigot/etc)
Version 4.4.2
- Fixes for reported issues during use -- please update
Version 4.4.1
- Support for Minecraft 1.13 and 1.13x (CraftBukkit/Spigot/etc)
- Some enhancements under the covers, including better support for tile entity hiding and state management
Version 4.3.3
- Includes fixes for portions of #164
- NEW FEATURE: Gaze based proximity hiding. If you can't see it due to blocks in the way, it stays proximity hid, regardless of your physical closeness! For full details, read here: PR#16
- New example configs! Find them here: https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/tree/master/Plugin/src/main/resources/resources
Version 4.3.0
- Support for Minecraft 1.12 (CraftBukkit/Spigot/etc)
Version 4.2.1
- #135 : Resolved issue that plugin doesn't work unless you delete the config and force reload and clear cache after startup
Version 4.2.0
- Support for Minecraft 1.11 (CraftBukkit/Spigot/etc)
- Remove ChunkReloader due to performance issues at scale.
- Addressed #66. Limit Cache retention configuration options added.
- Proximity Hider blocks are by default orebfuscated, if both are active.
- Implemented #62. Per World Configuration -- have unique configurations per world.
- Addressed DevotedMC#8. Allow for unique proximity Y height per material hidden.
- Fixed #113. Item frames sometime disappeared.
- Fixed #124. Glitches when used FastAsyncWorldEdit.
- Fixed #125. Prevent obfuscation for NPC, for ex. NPC from plugin Citizens.
- Fixed #128. EntityChangeBlockEvent was not causing block updates.
Version 4.1.4
- Fixing ChunkLoader error: https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/issues/110
- Improving performance of ChunkReloader
Version 4.1.2
- It is now possible to use Worlds list either as blacklist (i.e. all worlds are subject for obfuscation excluding listed) or as whitelist (i.e. only listed worlds are subject for obfuscation)
- Fixed bug with using ProximityHider and Signs. It is now possible to add WALL_SIGN and SIGN_POST to ProximityHider obfuscation.
- Updated wiki so commands and configuration pages are matching to the current Orebfuscator.
Version 4.1.1
- Various Small fixes
- Fix which might resolves problem described in https://github.com/lishid/Orebfuscator/issues/100
- Config file now supports block names additionally to IDs
Version 4.1.0
- Support for CB 1.10 - thanks Asgarioth!
Version 4.0.14
- Single jar supports all releases of 1.9.x now!
- Some chunk reload issues are corrected (on teleport, etc.)
- Add support for 1.9.4 - this release does not support prior versions.
Version 4.0.12
- Fixed entity list reload issue
Version 4.0.11
- Fixed failure to deobfuscate along chunk boundaries under specific conditions.
Version 4.0.10
- Fixed crash for PaperSpigot servers
Version 4.0.9
- Fixed crash when chunk section (16 x 16 x 16) has more than 127 different block types
- Implemented different "transparent block" lists for Engine Mode 1 and Engine Mode 2. For now only difference is with lava block, for mode 1 it is non-transparent, for mode 2 it is transparent.
- Implemented possibility to specify which blocks are transparent and not in the config file, sections: TransparentBlocks and NonTransparentBlocks.
- Fix which may have solved java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
- Fix for phantom blocks (visible after chunk reloaded) when player is digging straight line on the chunk border.
Version 4.0.7-beta
- Corrected transparent block list. For example, lava blocks marked as transparent and therefore adjacent blocks are not obfuscating anymore
- Improved performance of ProximityHider function
Version 4.0.5-alpha
- Fixes teleport / join in the End causing client-side crashes.
- Fixes failure to deobfuscate immediately on join.
Version 4.0.3-alpha
- Updated to MC1.9.
Full release notes: In Github Release
Version 3.0.5
- Updated to MC1.8.3.
Full history: https:github.com/lishd/Orebfuscator/wiki/Version-History
A quick donation is always appreciated :D
Devoted Patreon or General Inquiry
@lishid this fixes http://pastebin.com/gtarMAGW ?
Increase InitialRadius to at least 2.
Seems when people are in underground homes, in caves, they see ore everywhere. Is there a way to disable Orebfuscator on exposed blocks?
All of those get a java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: a with CB 1772+ Download this test version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18947504/Orebfuscator/1.3.1-test3/Orebfuscator.jar
Ok I made a test server on my pc:
CB: 1772, spout 686, oreb: Version 1.3.1-test2, spoutbridge: 1.0.2
Using the vanilla client, and some hack i downloaded (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/867079-11-xray-mod/)
Disregard that, I suck *
I forgot to set NoObfuscationForPermission: false It works great. I tried to add a negative permission node but that didint seem to work in PEX to overide the '*' maybe i placed it in the wrong place. Anyways it works :D
Of course not, you're using the old version. Go grab the 1.1 version here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/38385
I using the latest CB build 1772 Spout 686 and 1.2.9_1 of OBF. Nothing seems to work, It worked prior to updating to 1.1 I'm using an account with no permissions to be sure it not something like that either.
Always latest. Look in the download section in the OP.
Ok so spout 685, CB: 1772 , orebfusc 1.3.1 and what version of the spout-bridge?
Confirmed problem with spout, update to latest spout and CB will fix the problem (well not actually fix your chunks, but it will prevent it from happening)
@lishid the spout ppl said something about oreb not using abstraction and therefore not working with new vers? Idk what it means.
@Pr4w I'm well aware, but the fact is not just me but other people have run into the same issue where all stone below the surface just vanish after a server startup.
I do backups but I'm trying to avoid having to do them all the time and make sure it wont be needed first.
Ps. Is there a new spoutbrige for that 1.13 version?
It might be spout's fault...
Orebfuscator doesn't alter any block, it changes what the client sees, not what is actually there.
That and you're using the wrong version, here's a link to a 1.1 version : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18947504/Orebfuscator/1.3.1/Orebfuscator.jar
Hope this helps :)
Hey there
I'm currently on CB1743 and spout 680. Orebfuscator 1.2.9_1 and spout bridge 1.0.2 Earlier I updated to CB177x and all the stone in my world went missing. (Same as some other ppl reporting)
Is there a CB/spout/oreb version that plays well together and doesnt eat all the stone ?
Can you link the latest 1.1 version since the forum is down?
Hey is there anyway you could Obfuscate all blocks without having to type all the codes in?
I feared so. I just wanted to make very sure it cannot be the oreobfuscator, but as it happened straight after updating I wanted to ask :)
Not sure what's going on there, but if you were able to step into that hole, it means it's not caused by Orebfuscator. This plugin doesnt change the world itself.
It's likely that someone World-Edited the place.
I have it out since 2 days ago, the link is on the forum here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/38385
Uhm - I updated to the newest Spout Bridge and the 1.3.1 test 2 version - and now look what happened:
They werent there before and I only updated your plugin. This is bad! And there are more D:
I thought it doesnt affect real terrain in any way? Any idea? Or was it by someone hacking and not the plugin?
pls update for 1.1 because all is blue when someone connected and they didnt have xray