
OpenInv.openselfAllows the player using the command to open their own inventory.
OpenInv.editinvAllows editing of inventory.
OpenInv.openenderAllows opening of ender chests.
OpenInv.openenderallAllows opening of ender chests of everybody. Without this permission, someone can only open his own ender chest.
OpenInv.editenderAllows editing of ender chests.
OpenInv.searchGives permission to use searchinv.
OpenInv.crossworldAllows cross-world use of openinv.
OpenInv.exemptMakes the player's inventory protected (unable to be opened).
OpenInv.overrideGives permission to open anyone's inventory, even protected ones.
OpenInv.anychestGives permission to open chests that are blocked by a block on top.
OpenInv.silentGives permission to open chests in total silence, without animation.