OnlinePlayerDetectionSigns (OPDS)
The OPDS plugin is a plugin for bukkit which enables the detection if a player is online or offline.
Player offline
If the player is offline, the sign will show: "Player offline since mm/dd/yy HH:mm" and deactivate the lever (⇒ redstone signal disabled) Screenshot
Player online
If the player is online, the sign will show: "Playernam online" and activate the lever (⇒ redstone signal enabled) Screenshot
- Create a sign, first line: [ONLINE], second line: playername
- Attach a lever right under the sign
- Ready
opds.create - players can make detection signs
opds.create.other - players can make detection signs with others names on them
FTB/Tekkit Ready!
This plugin is ready for Feed the Beast (MCPC+ req.) since the Playerdetector got removed.
[English] Thanks to VariationVault
[German] Thanks to MineCraftler4Live
Dev build 
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk: Download latest dev build
This would be great if it hooked in to VanishNoPacket and Essentials' Vanish.
you can do that so make / day / month / year 6:00 and 18:00 ??
@ProsperCraft Oh, well... seems I forgot one of the most important thing ;-) Thanks ProsperCraft! - Permissions added
Thank you for the plugin, and awesome server.
Here is the permission nodes for documentation please add them to the page.
opds.create - players can make detection signs opds.create.other - players can make detection signs with others names on them