Tutorials/3. Auto Rank - Group Promotions/rewards.yml
# OnTime Rewards Configuration YAML
# Author: Edge209
# This file can be edited manually, or maintained via 'ontime' commands executed from
# the console or in game.
# Format for rewards:
# - r,p,dd,hh,mm,rdd,rhh,rmm,rc,t,q,reward,rewardTag
# where:
# r = recurrence: "S" = Single - One time only as specified total OnTime
# "R" = Recurring - Recurring starting at specified time, repeating at recurring interval
# for a specified count, or until the next reward (if no count specified)
# "I" = Individual - A one time reward for a specified player
# "F" = reFerred-by - A one time reward issued to a player that refers another. The reward
# is issued when the referred player has played for the specified time.
# "P" = Perpetual - A recurring reward that starts at the specified time, repeating at the
# recurring interval, but continues indefinitely.
# "TD" = Top Daily - A reward to be issued to the player(s) with the most playtime for the previous day.
# "TW" = Top Weekly - A reward to be issued to the player(s) with the most playtime for the previous week.
# Issued just after midnight on the first day of a new week.
# "TM" = Top Monthly- A reward to be issued to the player(s) with the most playtime for the previous month.
# Issued just after midnight on the first day of a new month.
# "TT" = Top Total - A reward to be issued to the player(s) with the most playtime on the server. It can be
# issued daily, weekly, or monthly per the setting in config.yml.
# #
# p = permission: "A" = All
# "E" = Exclusive
# dd = reward days
# hh = reward hours
# mm = reward minutes
# rdd = recurrence period days
# rhh = recurrence period hours
# rmm = recurrence period minutes
# rc = recurrence count (number of times an award should be given)
# set to 0 for regular rewards (no recurrence)
# set to -1 for recurrence that should happen until the next regular reward (original design)
# t = type: "E" = economy
# "I" = Item
# "P" = Permissions
# "G" = Group
# "C" = Command
# "K" = Kit
# q = quantity: Only applies to "(I)tem" rewards
# reward = reward string
# rewardTag = Unique tag to identify a reward. This is used to also create the "exclusive" permission string,
# which will have the the format "ontime.reward.rewardTag"
# This tag is auto generated by the plugin. If rewards are defined by hand, then this should be set to to "TBD"
# so the plugin knows that a tag needs to be created. (e.g.: "- S,A,0,1,0,0,0,0,I,1,DIRT,TBD")
# The "rewardIDCounter" defined below is used as part of this string, such that every reward ever defined is guaranteed
# to have a unique permission string.
# example:
# A set of permission plugin groups from lowest to highest of Default, Builder, Moderator, and Admin
# a one time player change to permissions group named 'Builder' to be issued at 2 hours
# a one time econ reward to be issued at 1 day, 0 hours, 0 minutes of 200 coins, exclusive to only some groups
# a one time econ reward to be issued at 2 days, 8 hours, 10 minutes of 1000 coins
# a recurring 2 DIAMOND item reward to be issued at 3 days, and every four hours after that
# a one time command execution of the defined 'xp100' command at 4 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes
# Example reward.yml:
# 'version' below is the version of this YML file. DO NOT CHANGE THIS
## DO NOT CHANGE THE VERSION number for this file #
#version: 7
#rewardIDCounter: 0
## Worlds enabled for Rewards
# worlds:
# - all
# groups:
# - Default
# - Builder
# - Moderator
# - Admin
# commands:
# - creative:'creative [player]' NOTES: The (') around the string are REQUIRED & there should be no space before
# - kill:'kill [player]' or after these (') marks; [player] will be replaced
# with the target player's name when executed
# rewards:
# - S,A,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,G,1,builder,S4G1builder
# - S,E,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,E,1,200,S5E1200
# - S,A,2,8,10,0,0,0,0,E,1,1000,S6E11000
# - R,A,3,0,0,0,4,0,-1,I,2,DIAMOND,S7I2DIAMOND
# - S,A,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,C,0,creative,S8C0creative
# DO NOT CHANGE THE VERSION number for this file #
version: 7
rewardIDCounter: 0
# Worlds enabled for Rewards
- all
# END rewards.yml