Release Notes
With each release of OnTime, there is usually something special about that release of which admins should be aware. I only include the notes for the latest release on the main page, but will retain notes from previous versions here for reference. These may be important if you are updated to the latest release from release other than the previous "last" release.
- The primary purpose of this update was to address some lingering issues with duplicate MySQL records created when a player changed names.
- In addition to address some base code issues, the "/ontime uuid merge" command was modified to require that one or two player names, or the keyword 'all' be provided when using this command. If a single player name is provided with the command any records with the same UUID as that associated with the provided name will be combined into a single record. The player name associated with that UUID will be the name specified in the command. If 'all' is specified OnTime will merge all records found for each unique UUID..
- If two player names are specified in the command then records containing those two player names will be merged into a single record, and they will be associated with the second player specified and its UUID.
- A new configuration parameter has been added to have ontime auto merge duplicate player records for a given UUID, upon the next login of player seen using such UUIDs. It is recommended that this method be used to correct the duplicate record issue over the 'merge' or 'clean' commands.
- Caution should be taken when the 'ontime uuid replace' and 'ontime uuid merge all' commands are used on systems with large player databases. It may take a very long time for these commands to complete, and should only be run at periods of low player traffic. While these command are running, all OnTime functions will be suspended and players will not receive playtime credit; they will not receive rewards; and votes etc. will not be counted.
- There are still some significant issues with OnTime working properly when 'multiServerEnable' is set to TRUE. It is recommended that until I get these issued addressed that this OnTime function not be used.
This update fixes issues with duplicate UUID records created when player's change names. This fix will address all future changes but does not directly address the existing duplicates. For this I have extended the "uuid" commands to include an option that will 'merge' the duplicate records into a single record. Please see HERE for more information on the "uuid" command, and specifically the "merge" keyword.
Prior to upgrading to OnTime V4.1.x you MUST have already upgraded to OnTime v3.13.4. Attempting to upgrade from any version prior to V3.13.4 will not properly auto update any of the OnTime YML configuration files. So if you are using any version prior to v3.13.4, load that version first into your plugin directory, restart your server or re-load your plugins, then replace with V4.1.x and do another server restart or plugin reload.
This version of OnTime contains a significant software re-write in order to be compatible with MineCraft V1.8, with support for UUIDs, and changeable player names. This version was fully tested with Spigot/Bukkit v1.8.1, and this will be the primary MIneCraft server base supported. OnTime V4.1.x will NOT WORK with Bukket v1.25 nor Tekkit classic. It should still work with the last Bukkit releases (1.7.2 / 1.7.9 ), but no significant testing has been done with these releases, so servers using those versions are better off using the latest OnTime V3.x release.
The "online tracking" function still DOES NOT WORK properly in a multi-server configuration. If you are using a single OnTime MySQL database to store data from multiple servers, conflicts will arise between the servers, and errors and some server lag may result. Until I can get this corrected, please disable this function on all multi-server systems.
From OnTime/config.yml:
# Enable if Online player status should be tracked in MYSQL Table onlineTrackingEnable: false
OnTime will automatically modify the contents of your config.yml, playerData.yml, and output.yml when you upgrade from any release previous to v4.1.x. OnTime will put a copy of your current versions of these files into the plugins/OnTime/backup folder prior to this update, so you can revert back if you find the need to downgrade back to an earlier version of OnTime.
Please see the release notes page for additional information about changes that have occurred since your last upgrade.
Prior to upgrading to OnTime V4.1.x you MUST have already upgraded to OnTime v3.13.4. Attempting to upgrade from any version prior to V3.13.4 will not properly auto update any of the OnTime YML configuration files. So if you are using any version prior to v3.13.4, load that version first into your plugin directory, restart your server or re-load your plugins, then replace with V4.1.x and do another server restart or plugin reload.
There is an error in the default text for the new 'per-world' message added in this release. If you use the version before I can get out an updated v3.12.1, please replace the following into your output.yml AFTER you upgrade and run the v3.12.0 for the first time.
otherworld: lines: 3 line-1: '&4 [player] You have earned a reward of [rewardString] but ...' line-2: '&4 you are in the wrong world to receive it.' line-3: '&4 You will get that reward when you next visit [rewardWorld]'
OnTime v3.12.x is compatible with Bukkit v1.2.5! So Tekkit Classic or other Bukkit v1.2.5 based servers can now enjoy the FULL CAPABILITIES of the OnTime and its companion plugins!
I have (hopefully) made reward management easier by expanding the use of the "rewardTag". A "rewardTag" is a string name that admins can assign to each reward they define. Then we executing other commands for that reward they can use the "rewardTag" in place of the "rewardID". "rewardID"s sometimes were confusing because they can change over time as rewards are added and removed, while the 'rewardTag' is fixed and will not change unless the admin changes it.
OnTime will automatically modify the contents of your config.yml, playerData.yml, output.yml and rewards.yml when you upgrade from any previous release. OnTime will put a copy of your current versions of these files into the plugins/OnTime/backup folder prior to this update, so you can revert back if you find the need to downgrade back to an earlier version of OnTime.
If you are using OnTime V3.9.0 or later with CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R1..0, the definition and use of enchanted items as rewards will not function correctly. There was a change in the CraftBukkit enchantment functions that make it incompatible with OnTime, and I have not had time yet to address this issue.
OnTime v3.10.0 is compatible with Bukkit v1.2.5! So Tekkit Classic or other Bukkit v1.2.5 based servers can now enjoy the FULL CAPABILITIES of the OnTime and its companion plugins!
OnTime will automatically modify the contents of your config.yml and output.yml when you upgrade from any previous release. OnTime will put a copy of your current versions of these files into the plugins/OnTime/backup folder prior to this update, so you can revert back if you find the need to downgrade back to an earlier version of OnTime.
If you are using OnTime V3.9.0 or later with CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R1..0, the definition and use of enchanted items as rewards will not function correctly. There was a change in the CraftBukkit enchantment functions that make it incompatible with OnTime, and I have not had time yet to address this issue.
If you are upgrading from anything other than v3.8.7. please see the release notes page for additional information about changes that have occurred since your last upgrade.
In v3.10.0 a new permission string ("ontime.track") was added, which allows admins to enable/disable OnTime tracking of individual players. When this is set to "false" OnTime will not process players upon login, nor will it create OnTime records for new players. This permission is "true" by default, and most permission plugins will pick up this default setting, and server owners will see no change from previous versions of OnTime. But some permission plugins (e.g. bPermissions, others?) do not pick up the default and treat this as "false" for all players, which effectively disables the OnTime plugin. In this case of such permission plugins, the "ontime.track" should be added to the base set of permissions for all groups whose users are to be tracked by OnTime.
OnTime will automatically modify the contents of your config.yml and output.yml when you upgrade from any previous release. OnTime will put a copy of your current versions of these files into the plugins/OnTime/backup folder prior to this update, so you can revert back if you find the need to downgrade back to an earlier version of OnTime.
If you are using OnTime V3.9.0 with CraftBukkit 1.6.2-R1..0, the definition and use of enchanted items as rewards will not function correctly. There was a change in the CraftBukkit enchantment functions that make it incompatible with OnTime, and I have not had time yet to address this issue. Plus I needed to get out a version with all of the changes in v3.9.0 that is still compatible with all previous versions of Craftbukkit.
For a long time time the purge function has not worked correctly for servers that are using the dataStorage=MYSQL option. OnTime was only purging a small number of players on each 'purge' event, and not all players that should have been purged. This means that if you have been using MYSQL for quite a while, the first time OnTime purge executes using v3.8.6 you may see a very large number of players purged, and some lag in your server. This will be a one time only occurrence, as going forward OnTime will be properly purging players.
IMPORTANT NOTES on V3.8.1 & V3.8.2
The recommended setting in the rewards.yml file for the "worlds:" keyword has changed/been expanded. Set this list as follows:
- " - global" - If your permissions plugin supports a "global" group/player configuration files.
- " - all" - If your permissions plugin supports multiple group/player configuration files (e.g. one per wrold)
- To a list of specific worlds if your permission plugin supports multiple group/configuration files (one per world), but you want rewards to only be active in certain worlds.
- Click here for more information
NOTE: In V3.8.0 I had introduced the use of the word 'default' for the "worlds" setting. I've decided that was confusing, when I really meant 'global'. OnTime will still handle 'default' and will update your rewards.yml file automatically to 'global'
- If you are upgrading from V3.6.1, I have reverted back to an internal version of the SQLibrary, so if you added SQLibrary.jar when you upgraded to OnTime v3.6.1, you can now delete that jar from your plugin directory.
- This release supports CraftBukkit versions 1.5.2, 1.5.1, 1.4.7, 1,4.6, 1.4.5, 1.4.4, and 1.42 !
- When upgrading from v3.7.2 or earlier, this version will perform auto updates to the ontime/config.yml ontime/rewards.yml and ontime/output.yml files. It is recommended that you make backups of your current copies of these files before installing and running this version for the first time.