# OnTime Output Configuration File
# Author: Edge209
# DO NOT CHANGE THE VERSION number for this file #
outputVersion: 17
# Output Configuration Syntax Rules
# *** BE CAREFUL *** since this is a yml file the format is very important. NEVER use TABs to create space, always use 'spaces'
# Every output string must be contained within single quote marks (')
# Color codes can be used, but codes must begin with "&" and must followed by a space (' ') e.g. '&a ' for green text
# The number of lines output must be specified (lines: #), or set to zero if no output should be generated.
# Each line must be labeled with 'line-#:' where # is the line order, and # should begin with 1
# "Variables" must be enclosed in "[ ]" and must be proceeded and followed by a space (' ').
# The following 'variable' codes are supported in the output:
# [afk] - Player's Away from Keyboard (AFK) status. 'output.error.playerAFK' below is used, otherwise nothing is displayed.)
# [afktime] - How long a player has been AFK for the current login session
# [afkToday] - How long has a player been AFK today
# [afkWeek] - How long has a player been AFK this week
# [afkMonth] - How long has a player been AFK this month
# [balance] - Player's current econ system balance
# [current] - Player's OnTime for current session (login)
# [daily] - Player's daily OnTime
# [daysAgo] - Number of calendar days since player's first login to the server
# [daysOn] - The number of different days the player has been on the server
# [eventRef] - The reward event reference: playtime(play), vote (vote), or referral (refer): see output.eventRef.*
# [firstLogin] - The date player first joined the server
# [lastLogin] - Day/Time stamp of the player's last login
# [lastvote] - Day/Time stamp of the player's last vote for the server
# [monthly] - Player's Monthly OnTime
# [monthStartDate] - Date for start of new monthly playtime collection period
# [player] - Player's in-game name
# [points] - Player's accumulated loyalty points
# [quantity] - Reward quantity value. Only used for 'item' and 'xp' rewards
# [rank] - Player's current (highest) rank (a.k.a group)
# [referredBy] - Player that referred another player
# [referredPlayer] - Player that was referred by another
# [referrals] - Number of referrals made by a player
# [reportDate] - Date associated with data collected daily
# [reward] - Reward to be issued. (This holds the quantity for 'econ' rewards)
# [rewardString]** - A default set of reward strings which combine things such as quantity and reward names.
# [rewardType] - Type of reward: Auto vs Individual if Individual Ontime/Real/Delta/Login is also specified
# [rewardWorld] - World (all) where the reward is valid
# [scope] - Total, daily, weekly, monthly label for scope of a reward (see 'scope' keyword below for further configuration)
# [scopetime] -- Time relative to the current scope context. Used in conjunction with '[scope]'
# [serverName] - Name of the server
# [serverTime] - Current Date/Time of the server
# [timeToReward] - The amount of in-game time until a players next reward is issued
# [topDateTime] - Date/Time stamp used in 'top player' lists
# [topListScope] - Language used in 'top player' lists related to the scope [total, today, week, month, etc.]
# [topSpot] - Player's location in a "Top xx" list
# [total] - Player's total OnTime
# [uuid] - Player's UUID
# [votes] - Number of votes cast for the system
# [voteService] - Online service supporting votifier where vote was cast
# [weekly] - Player's weekly OnTime
# [weekStartDate] - Date for start of new weekly playtime collection period
# [$] - econ system's unit name (e.g. 'coins', 'dollars', 'credits')
# ** There is special handling for '[rewardString]'. This was designed to be used in the 'ontime' (self) and 'ontime <playername.' (other) commands.
# Because it is possible to use the 'ontime rewards set' command a player can have more than one scheduled reward. When '[rewardString]' is used
# the plugin will generate multiple lines of the same format, one for each of the scheduled rewards for that player. Any variable used
# on the same line will also be used in each of the reward output lines.
# Color Codes
# &0 Black
# &1 Dark Blue
# &2 Dark Green
# &3 Dark Aqua
# &4 Dark Red
# &5 Dark Purple
# &6 Gold
# &7 Gray
# &8 Dark Gray
# &9 Blue
# &a Green
# &b Aqua
# &c Red
# &d Light Purple
# &e Yellow
# &f White
# Output for reward issue events
lines: 1
line-1: '&4 The above reward was earned while you were away in another world.'
lines: 3
line-1: '&4 [player] You have earned a reward of [rewardString] but ...'
line-2: '&4 you are in the wrong world to receive it.'
line-3: '&4 You will get that reward when you next visit [rewardWorld]'
lines: 1
line-1: '&a [player] your purchase of [rewardString] is complete!'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been rewarded [quantity] Loyalty Points!'
lines: 2
line-1: '&a We are sorry, [player]'
line-2: '&a but, you have been demoted to group [reward]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been added to group [reward]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Hi, [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been removed from group [reward]'
lines: 1
line-1: '&a [player] You have lost the permission: [reward]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been rewarded a kit including:'
lines: 1
line-1: '&a [quantity] [reward]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a [player] your vote at [voteService] has been counted! '
line-2: '&a You have been given [rewardString] as a thank you. '
line-3: '&a Please remember to vote again tomorrow! '
lines: 2
line-1: '&a [player] Thank you for letting us know who referred you.'
line-2: '&a For doing this, you have been given [rewardString]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been rewarded ( [quantity] ) [reward]'
lines: 2
line-1: '&a You have a reward of ( [quantity] ) [reward] waiting.'
line-2: '&a Please make room in your inventory.'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been rewarded [reward] [$]'
lines: 4
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been granted the following permission [reward]'
line-4: '&a It will take effect on your next login.'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been auto-promoted to group [reward]'
lines: 0
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been on [scope] for [scopetime]'
line-3: '&a You have been rewarded [quantity] XP!'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a Your referral of [referredPlayer] has payed off'
line-3: '&a You have been rewarded [rewardString]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been rewarded [rewardString]'
line-3: '&a For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player for [topPeriod]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been rewarded [rewardString]'
line-3: '&a For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player for the week starting [topPeriod]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been rewarded [rewardString]'
line-3: '&a For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player for the month starting [topPeriod]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been rewarded [rewardString]'
line-3: '&a For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player as of [topPeriod]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&a Congratulations [player] !'
line-2: '&a You have been rewarded [rewardString]'
line-3: '&a For playing on [serverName] on [daysOn] different days.'
# endRewards
# Server Broadcasts
lines: 3
line-1: '&e [player] has voted for [serverName] at [voteService] ! '
line-2: '&e and received [rewardString] as a thank you. '
line-3: '&e You should too! '
lines: 2
line-1: '&e [player] Just told us who referred them to [serverName]'
line-2: '&e For doing this, they have been given [rewardString]'
lines: 1
line-1: '&e [player] been auto-promoted to group [reward]'
lines: 3
line-1: '&e [player] has successfully referred a friend to [serverName]'
line-2: '&e And for doing so they received [rewardString]'
line-3: '&e You should do the same!'
lines: 2
line-1: '&e [player] was rewarded [rewardString]'
line-2: '&e For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] Player for [topPeriod]'
lines: 2
line-1: '&e [player] was rewarded [rewardString]'
line-2: '&e For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player for the week starting [topPeriod]'
lines: 2
line-1: '&e [player] was rewarded [rewardString]'
line-2: '&e For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player for the month starting [topPeriod]'
lines: 2
line-1: '&e [player] was rewarded [rewardString]'
line-2: '&e For being the # [topSpot] [eventRef] player as of [topPeriod]'
lines: 1
line-1: '&c [player] is now AFK'
lines: 1
line-1: '&c [player] is no longer AFK'
# broadcast end
# Output for the '/ontime' command
lines: 8
line-1: 'Server Time = [serverTime]'
line-2: 'Current login time = [current]'
line-3: 'Today total time = [daily]'
line-4: 'This week total time = [weekly]'
line-5: 'This month total time = [monthly]'
line-6: 'Lifetime server time = [total]'
line-7: 'Current Rank = [rank]'
line-8: 'Loyalty Points = [points]'
# endOntime-me
# Output for the '/ontime <player>' command
lines: 19
line-1: '[player] : Joined the server [daysAgo] days ago.'
line-2: '[player] : Has been on [daysOn] different days.'
line-3: '[player] : Last login on [lastLogin]'
line-4: '[player] : This login= [current] &c [afk]'
line-5: '[player] : AFK time this login= [afktime]'
line-6: '[player] : AFK time today= [afkToday]'
line-7: '[player] : AFK time this week= [afkWeek]'
line-8: '[player] : AFK time this month= [afkMonth]'
line-9: '[player] : Today= [daily]'
line-10: '[player] : This Week= [weekly]'
line-11: '[player] : This Month= [monthly]'
line-12: '[player] : Total Time= [total]'
line-13: '[player] : Votes Cast: [votes]'
line-14: '[player] : Last Voted on [lastvote]'
line-15: '[player] : Referred by: [referredBy]'
line-16: '[player] : Referrals Made: [referrals]'
line-17: '[player] : Current Rank = [rank]'
line-18: '[player] : Loyalty Points = [points]'
line-19: '[player] : Reward: ( [rewardType] ) [rewardString] [timeToReward]'
# endOntime-other
# output used when there is missing data
errorColor: '&c'
noDaysAgo: 'No record'
noDaysOn: 'No record'
noLastLogin: 'No record'
notOnline: 'Not Online'
notOnToday: 'Not On Today'
notOnWeek: 'Not On This Week'
notOnMonth: 'Not On This Month'
noTotal: 'No record'
noReward: 'No reward set'
noRewardQuantity: 'N/A'
noRewardTime: 'N/A'
notEnabled: 'N/A'
noAFKTime: 'N/A'
playerAFK: '(AFK)'
noTopData: 'N/A'
noData: 'N/A'
# endError
# Output related to showing when rewards will be issued a.k.a.'timeToReward'
time: 'in'
login: 'at login'
worldChange: 'on world change'
# Formats used to output dates and time. Please reference http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Java/0040__Data-Type/SimpleDateFormat.htm
# for more information and examples
dateTimeFormat: '[MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss]'
dateFormat: '[MM/dd/yyyy]'
# TimeDetail is used for output for 'ontime', 'ontime <playerName>', 'ontime top' commands
# DD = days ; HH = hours ; MM = minutes (default = DDHHMM)
# EXAMPLE: if set to HHMM then a player with more than 1 day of playtime will see a number larger than 24 in their hour count
# EXAMPLE: if set to DDHH then the playtime display will only include the number of days and hours. Minutes will be ignored.
timeDetail: DDHHMM
# Labels used for time output for 'ontime', 'ontime <playerName>', 'ontime top' commands
seconds: ' Seconds'
minutes: ' Min '
hours: ' Hr '
days: ' Day '
na: ' Time N/A '
indi: '(Individual)'
today: 'today'
week: 'this week'
month: 'this month'
total: ''
play: ''
vote: 'Voting'
refer: 'Referring'
afk: 'Time AFK'
point: 'Loyalty Points'
# Output for when a player record is not found
lines: 1
line-1: 'There is no [serverName] record of a player named [player]'
# Output for headers and colors used in '>ontime top <##> [total/today/week]' commands
lines: 2
line-1: '&e -- [serverName] &9 OnTime [eventRef] &e LeaderBoard--'
line-2: '&9 [topListScope] [topDateTime]'
today: 'For today '
week: 'For the week starting '
month: 'For the month starting '
total: 'For all time as of '
noPlayers: ' There are no players currently on the list.'
notOnline: 'Not ONLINE'
lastLoginNA: '[Last Login N/A]'
# endHeaders
topListTimeColor: '&a'
topListNameColor: '&f'
topListExtrasColor: '&a'
# endColors
# Output for lack of permission for a command
noPermission: 'You do not have permission for that command.'
# Output when listing possible player names
possible: 'Did you mean one of the following?'
# Referral Related Output
used: 'Only one referral is allowed per player, and yours has been used.'
notYourself: 'You may not refer yourself.'
tooLong: 'You have been playing on the server too long to now claim that someone referred you.'
# Referral messages that support parameters
lines: 1
line-1: 'Other players referred by [player]'
lines: 1
line-1: '&c [player] has not made any referrals.'
lines: 1
line-1: 'Referred By reward of [rewardString] setup for [player]'
lines: 1
line-1: 'Referred By usage reward of [rewardString] setup for you.'
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] is not eligible for any defined Referral rewards. No reward scheduled.'
# Shop Related Output
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] you do not have permission to make that purchase.'
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] you are not eligible for [rewardString]'
lines: 2
line-1: '[player] you do not have enough [$]'
line-2: 'Your current balance is [balance]'
lines: 2
line-1: '[player] you do not have enough Loyalty Points'
line-2: 'Your point balance is [points]'
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] you not eligible to make that purchase.'
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] your shop order has been placed.'
# Reward Command Related Output
# Command: /ontime rewards next
noPlayersOnline: 'No players are online. No rewards are scheduled.'
lines: 1
line-1: '[serverName] will soon be rewarding:'
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] : [rewardString] in [timeToReward]'
lines: 1
line-1: '[player] : No reward scheduled'
# MYSQL Online Report
- player
- afk
- lastLogin
- current
- daily
- total
- afkToday
# endFile