Configuration Details
OnTime Configuration Parameters
Server Universe
These are configuration parameters which define the 'universe' of your server or servers
This string is the name of your server and is used in various OnTime displays and reports.
Default: <Your Server Name Here>
This boolean is set 'true' if you are running a muti-server universe of connected servers (e.g. Bungee servers), and you want to have a single set of shared OnTime data used by all of the servers.
Default: false
This string holds the name you use to identify your collection (universe) of servers.
Default: null
This Boolean is set 'true' if running OnTime in a single-server MC environment, or if this is sever is designated the 'primary' server in a multi-server MC environment where servers are sharing one MySQL database. In the multi-server environment there should be only ONE of the servers designated as 'primary'.
Default: true
These parameters didn't fit well any of the other categories, so they ended up here.
This integer value determines the duration in seconds, of a pause that will occur during OnTime’s initialization upon a server restart, or a reload of all plugins. For the vast majority of servers this should remain at the default value of zero (0), but on occasion you may be directed by OnTime support staff to modify this value to address timing issues that can arise when OnTime interacts with other plugins on the server, such as Vault, Permission, and Econ.
Default: 0 (seconds)
This integer determines how many players are listed when the “ontime top” commands are executed. When MySQL storage is used this value also helps limit the amount of player data that is actively loaded into memory.
Default: 10 (players)
This Boolean should be set to 'true' if OnTime should check for latest plugin version (from bukkitdev)
Default: true
These parameters define how OnTime deals with messaging to players
This Boolean indicates if OnTime messageing is enabled. When disabled, 'message' type rewards are not supported, and admin defined messages for rewards cannot be created.
Default: true
This Boolean indicates if players should receive the welcome message from OnTime upon each login.
Default: true
Away From Keyboard (AFK)
The following set of configuration parameters, define how OnTime deals with players that are "Away From Keyboard" or AFK.
This Boolean value indicates if OnTime should be concerned with AFK status. When 'true' OnTime will not include the time a player is AFK in their OnTime playtime records. Also, players AFK will not receive any rewards.
Default: true
This integer value is only valid if afkCheckEnable is true, and is the maximum amount of time in minutes that a player can have no activity before OnTime declares them to be AFK.
Default: 10 (minutes)
Data Management : Storage
The following parameters determine how OnTime will manage and store player data
This String parameter indicates the method of data storage. Valid options are YML and MYSQL.
Default: YML
When dataStorage is set to "MYSQL", then the following parameters must be set to enable communicatin with the MYSQL server. In some instances where YML storage is used, but data is to be imported from an MySQL database, these parameters must still be set.
This Boolean indicates if MySQL is enabled, and a connection to a MySQL database should be attempted.
Default: false
This String parameter holds the name of the host server of the MySQL database.
Default: localhost
This Integer is used to hold the port number of the MySQL connection.
Default: 3306
This String holds the user name needed to connect to the MySQL database
Default: root
This String has the password associated with the MySQL.user, and is needed to connect to the MySQL database.
This String holds the name of the MySQL database.
Default: minecraft
This String is used to indicate the name of the table within the database to be used to store the player data
Default: ontime-players
This String is used to indicate the name of the table witin the database to be used to store summed player data, across all servers, in a multiserver univers.
Default: ontime_multiServer
This Boolean value indicates if OnTime should automatically save the player data it holds in memory on a scheduled basis. If this is set to “false” OnTime will only save the data upon server shutdown, and at the end of each day. If the server were to crash, this is not a shutdown, so all new/updated data maintained in memory will be lost.
The auto save has the most value when dataStorage=YML, because data for every player that has ever been on the server is maintained in memory. If the data is not auto saved it is possible to then lose up to a full day’s worth of player OnTime activity.
When dataStorage=MYSQL, an individual player’s data is updated in the database upon login and logout events. Therefore, if this is disabled, only the current session playtime for players online at the time of a crash would be lost.
Default: true
This integer specifies the frequency of the auto save event, when this function is enabled. (see above) This is expressed in “server ticks”, and there are 72000 “server ticks” in a hour.
Default: 72000 (server ticks)
This Boolean indicates if OnTime should automatically generate backup copies of player data at the end of each day. The behavior is different based on the setting of the “dataStorage” configuration.
- When dataStorage=YML, the full set of data for any player that has ever been on the server will be stored to a new YML file.
- When dataStorage=MYSQL, only the player’s records that have been loaded or modified since the last backup or server restart, will be placed into the backup file. This file is YML formatted and only contains the subset of data maintained when dataStorage=YML. The intention here is to provide a way to recover the most critical player data if there is a sever crash. Typically data is recovered from the backup files using the “/ontime import” command.
Defaut: true
This integer specifies how many different backup files should be retained. If backups are generated normally, or one per day, then this setting will determine how many days back in time you can go to recover any lost data.
Default: 3 (files)
OnTime supports an automated database cleaning function, or “purge” function. This function will remove players from the OnTime YML or MySQL database players that have not minimum playtime amounts, or have been absent from the server for an extended period of time.
This boolean indicates if OnTime should merge duplicate player records (same UUID but different player names) into a single record upon login of the player. The name used in the login event will become the name associated with the new merged player record.
Default: false
Data Management: Collection
This boolean indicates if OnTime should maintain independent records of playtime for each world on a server, in addition to the nomal per-server totals. MySQL storage is required for this function.
Default: false
This Boolean when set to ‘true’ will instruct OnTime to collect voting data for players. When ‘false’ OnTime will not collect any voting data. This configuration parameter is intended for multi-server worlds which share a common OnTime database. Setting this to false for all servers except the server used as the sole target for Votifier activity will prevent players from getting multiple votes counted for each vote cast..
Default: true
This Boolean when set to ‘true’ will instruct OnTime to collect daily, weekly, and monthly playtime data for players. When ‘false’ OnTime will only collect ‘total’ playtime data.
Default: true
This Boolean when set to ‘true’ will instruct OnTime to collect daily, weekly, and monthly voting data for players. When ‘false’ OnTime will only collect ‘total’ voting data. Collection of this data requires that MYSQL be used to store player data.
Default: true
This Boolean when set to ‘true’ will instruct OnTime to collect daily, weekly, and monthly player referral data for players. When ‘false’ OnTime will only collect ‘total’ player referral data. Collection of this data requires that MYSQL be used to store player data.
Default: true
With this Boolean the admin can indicate if OnTime should collect daily, weekly, and monthly AFK data. This must also be true if auto or manual AFK reports can be generated.
Default: false
Data Management: Purge
This Boolean controls if the purge function is active or not. When “true” this function is enabled. The purge activity will take place around midnight each day, or whenever the server is stopped.
Default: true
This integer is the amount of time in minutes that a player must have been on the server at the time the purge event occurs. Players online at the time of the purge will not be removed.
Default: 10 (minutes)
This integer is the maximum amount of time in days that a player can be absent from the server before they are purged.
Default: 60 (days)
This Boolean indicates if a player that is purged from the OnTime records should also put into a specified group (rank) upon their next login.
Default: true
This string is the name of the (permissions) group into which a player should be placed upon their next login following the purge of their OnTime record.
Default: default
Online Tracking
This Boolean value indicates if online player data tracking is enabled. When set to "true" OnTime will create and maintain a MySQL table holding information about currently OnLine players.
Default: false
This integer value is only valid if onlineTrackingEnable is true. This configuration parameter indicates how frequently (in minutes) the OnLine table should be refreshed by OnTime.
Default: 5 (minutes)
This Boolean value when set to "true" will cause OnTime to create and write plugin activity action to a text file located in the /plugins/OnTime folder. This file is used to provide admins a record of the tracking and reward activity executed by OnTime. It is also used to collect debugging information to help OnTime development team to resolve software issues.
Default: false
This integer configuration parameter indicates the level of detail that should be written to the OnTimeLog.txt file. longEnable must be "true" for this setting to be applied.
- 3 = least detail; Used to provide server admins a basic record of OnTime activity
- 2 = medium detail; Also used to provide server admins with a record of OnTime activity, but with more detail and different events
- 1 = most detail; Used by OnTime development team to debug OnTime software issues
Default: 3
This integer configuration parameter indicates the level of detail that should be written to server console by OnTime. longEnable does not apply to this paramter as some level of console logging must always be present.
- 3 = least detail; Provides minimum "Start" and "Stop" messages.
- 2 = medium detail; Provides a bit more information duirng OnTime activity
- 1 = most detail; Provides maximum detail about OnTime activity especially during startup and shutdown, and will often be used by OnTime development team to debug OnTime software issues.
Default: 3
The following configuration parameters define how OnTime handles automated report generation.
This integer identifies which day is considered to be the first day of a new week. It is used to determine when a weekly summary report should be generated, and when weekly “top” rewards are to be issued. For example if this is set to two (Monday), then reports will be generated at midnight each Monday for the previous week.
This is a number that ranges from 1 to 7, where:
- 1 = Sunday
- 2 = Monday
- 3 = Tuesday
- 4 = Wednesday
- 5 = Thursday
- 6 = Friday
- 7 = Saturday
Default: 2 (Monday)
This integer identifies which day is considered to be the first day of anew month. It is used to determine when a monthly summary report should be generated, and when monthly “top” rewards are to be issued. For example if this set to one (the first day of each month), then reports will be generated for the previous month on the first of each new month.
Defalt: 1 (the 1st)
If this Boolean is set to ‘true’, then OnTime will automatically generate reports of player activity as defined by the additional settings that follow below. If this is set to ‘false’ then no reports will be generated regardless of how the rest of the following configurations are set.
Default: true
When this Boolean is set to ‘true’, then OnTime will generate a report at midnight of each day for the previous 24 hour period.
Default: true
When this Boolean is set to ‘true’, then OnTime will generate a report at midnight of the day of the week identified by
(see below), for the previous seven day period.
Default: true
When this Boolean is set to ‘true’, then OnTime will generate a report at midnight of day of the month identified by
(see below), for the previous month period.
Default: true
This string names the sub-folder under the /plugins/OnTime folder where the auto-generated reports will be stored. A setting of ‘/’ implies there is no sub-folder, so the reports will be put in the “/plugins/OnTime” root folder. A recommended value for this is ‘/reports’.
Default: /
This Boolean value indicates if the date of the report generation should be included in the filename of the report. If this is set to true, then a unique report file will created upon each file’s generation. If this is set to false then a same report name will be used for each daily, weekly, and monthly report generated, effectively deleting any historical records by overwriting older files.
Default: true
This string specifies the format of the date to be used in the filename. The options for this string can be found here <reference>, but it is highly recommended that this not be changed to avoid issues.
Default: yyy.MM.dd
This string indicates which of three possible formats should be used for the auto-generated reports. The options are:
- TXT: This is a very simple text file with columns of data with no formatting.
- HTML: This is also a text file with columns of data, but in this version HTML formatting is added so the reports can be displayed nicely in a web browser.
- MYSQL: With this setting the data is stored into different MySQL tables, which can be read or otherwise manipulated by other software by accessing the database.
Default: TXT
This string based configuration parameter indicates what type of AFK auto or manual report should be generated. Valid values are "Today", "Week", "Month", or "None". When setting this value it is required that the first character of the setting be capatalized.
Default: Week
This integer value indicates for how many days a daily report should be kept in the folder. Once any daily report’s age exceeds this number of days, it will be automatically deleted by OnTime. This prevents OnTime from consuming file storage space with endless daily reports. The recommended value for this is 8 days, this way you will always have a full week plus a day worth of reports. Setting this to a value of negative one (-1) is an indication that daily reports should never be auto deleted.
Default: -1
This integer value indicates for how many days a weekly report should be kept in the folder. Once any weekly report’s age exceeds this number of days, it will be automatically deleted by OnTime. This prevents OnTime from consuming file storage space with endless weekly reports. The recommended value for this is 36 days, this way you will always have a full month plus an extra week worth of reports. Setting this to a value of negative one (-1) is an indication that weekly reports should never be auto deleted.
Default: -1
This integer value indicates for how many days a monthly report should be kept in the folder. Once any monthly report’s age exceeds this number of days, it will be automatically deleted by OnTime. This prevents OnTime from consuming file storage space with endless monthly reports. The recommended value for this is 380 days, this way you will always have a full year plus an extra month worth of reports. Setting this to a value of negative one (-1) is an indication that monthly reports should never be auto deleted.
Default: -1
This integer value indicates for how many days an AFK report should be kept in the folder. Once any AFK report’s age exceeds this number of days, it will be automatically deleted by OnTime. This prevents OnTime from consuming file storage space with endless AFK reports. The recommended value for this is 15 days, this way you will always have two weeks plus an extra day worth of reports. Setting this to a value of negative one (-1) is an indication that AFK reports should never be auto deleted.
Default: -1
The following configuration parameters are used to establish if and how OnTime will handle player referrals (a.k.a. 'referred by')
This Boolean value is used to enable the 'referred by' command and related capabilites of the plugin. When set to 'true' players will be able to indicate who referred them to the server, and intiate 'referred by' rewards.
Default: true
This Boolean configuration parameter indicates if the 'referred by' use by a player should be handled using permission strings. If dataStorage is set to "YML" and referredByEnable is set to "true", then this MUST also be "true". When dataStorage is set to MySQL an alternative tracking method using the MySQL database is avaiable, so permission based tracking can be disabled.
Default: true
This integer value holds the maximum total OnTime (in hours) a player can have and still claim to be referred by another player. After a player has reached this limit in Total OnTime they will no longer be able to execute the "referred by" command. If this is set to -1, then no limit will be enforced.
Default: -1
Rewards : General
In this portion of the configuraiton file some of the basic portions of the OnTime Rewards system is set up. There is a companion YML file "rewards.yml" which contains the bulk of the rewards configurations.
This Boolean is set to "true" if rewards are to be created and given to players for play time and activity on the server.
Default: true
This Boolean value should be set to 'true' if players are to be notified when they are issued rewards.
Default: true
This Boolean value is set to 'true' if other players should be notified when player receive certain rewards.
Default: true
Rewards: Top Players
This String value specifeis when rewards shold be issued to the over all top (total OnTime) players. Valid settings are:
- disable : No top play rewards will be defined
- daily : Top total play rewards should be issued every day
- weekly: Top total play rewards should be issued once per week
- monthly: Total top play rewards should be issued once per month
Default: weekly
This String value specifies when rewards should be issued to the players with the overall most votes. Valid settings are the same as for totalTopPlayReward above.
Default: disable
This String value specifies when rewards should be issued to the players with the overall most player referrals. Valid settings are the same as for totalTopPlayReward above.
Default: disable
This String value specifies when rewards should be issued to the players with the overall most points. Valid settings are the same as for totalTopPlayReward above.
Default: disable
This boolean indicates if features related to loyalty points should be enabled on the system
Default: *true*
This boolen indicates if a player's totoal points will be allowed to go below zero.
Default: *false*