Configuration (config.yml)
# OnTime Configuration File
# Author: Edge209
# DO NOT CHANGE THE VERSION number for this file #
configVersion: 21
# Server Universe #
# The name of THIS server
serverName: <Your Server Name Here>
# If this server is part of a multi-server (e.g. Bungee) system, then this should be set true
multiServer: false
# The name of your multiple server system (multiServer above must be 'true' for this to have meaning)
# This needs to be a single word (Cannot contain spaces or special characters)
multiServerName: myServers
# Set 'true' if running OnTime in a single-server MC environment, or if this is designated the 'primary' server in
# a multi-server system where servers are sharing one MySQL database. In the multi-server system there
# should be only ONE server designated as 'primary'
primaryServer: true
# General #
# Delay during OnTime enable to ensure it finished init AFTER vault, permissions, and econ plugins
# For most servers there is no need to change this (in seconds)
startupDelay: 0
# maximum length of 'top player' lists
topListMax: 10
# Enable if OnTime should check for latest plugin version (from bukkitdev)
updateCheckEnable: true
# Messages #
# Enable if OnTime Messaging will be used
messagesEnable: true
# Enable if OnTime Welcome Messages are to be displayed. 'messagesEnable' above must be 'true' for this to also be 'true'
welcomeEnable: true
# AFK #
# Enable if AFK status to be checked, and AFK time NOT counted
afkCheckEnable: true
# If AFK is enabled, max time (minutes) with no activity before player is considered AFK
afkTime: 10
# Data Management: Storage #
# Selection of Data Storage Method. Valid values= YML, MYSQL
dataStorage: YML
# MySQL - This must be enabled and properly set up if MySQL is to be used for data storage and/or
# data import is to be done from another plugin MySQL table. Note: To use MySQL for storage
# of playerdata, "dataStorage" (immediately above) must also be set to "MYSQL".
enable: false
host: localhost
port: 3306
user: root
password: password
database: minecraft
table: ontime-players
multiServerTable: ontime_mulitServer
# Enable if data should be saved to disk on scheduled event. Otherwise it will happen on server shutdown only
autoSaveEnable: true
# If auto file save is enabled above, how frequently (in minutes) should this be done.
autoSavePeriod: 60
# Enable if backup versions of data files should be auto-created each day
autoBackupEnable: true
# If auto backup is enabled above, how many versions should be retained?
autoBackupVersions: 3
# Enable if OnTime should auto-merge duplicate player records (based on UUID) at player login.
#(When v1.8 first came out OnTime was incorrectly handling player name changes, resulting in multiple records per UUID)
uuidMergeEnable: false
# Data Management: Collection #
# Enable/Disable per-world OnTime Tracking
perWorldEnable: false
# Enable/Disable Votifier Statistics collection (for players and vote services)
votifierStatsEnable: true
# Enable/Disable detailed (daily/weekly/monthly) PLAYING TIME collection
collectPlayDetailEnable: true
# Enable/Disable detailed (daily/weekly/monthly) VOTE collection
collectVoteDetailEnable: false
# Enable/Disable detailed (daily/weekly/monthly) REFERRAL collection (requires MySQL)
collectReferDetailEnable: false
# Enable/Disable AFK history collection and reporting; afkCheckEnable must be TRUE
collectAfkEnable: false
# Data Management: Purge #
# If purge is enabled users will be auto removed from stored file if they don't have enough play time / or have not been on for so long
purgeEnable: true
# minimum time in minutes someone has to be on for their data to be saved
purgeTimeMin: 10
# maximum time in days since last login before purge
purgeLoginDay: 60
# Enable if purged players should be auto-demoted
purgeDemotionEnable: false
# If purgeDemotion is enabled, this is target group for demotion
purgeDemotionGroup: default
# Online Tracking #
# Enable if Online player status should be tracked in MYSQL Table
onlineTrackingEnable: false
# If online tracking is enabled, set the refresh rate (in minutes)
onlineTrackingRefresh: 5
# Logging / Debug #
# Enable if log file should be created.
logEnable: false
# Detail to be included in OnTime logfile. 1=most detail ; 2=medium ; 3=least detail
logLevel: 1
# Detail to be shown on console. 1=most detail ;2= medium; 3=least detail
consoleLogLevel: 3
# Reports #
# Identify the starting day of each week for weekly reports and weekly rewards. Valid Values: 1-7 where:
# 1=Sunday; 2=Monday; etc.
firstDayofWeek: 2
# Identify the starting day of each month for monthly reports, and monthly rewards.
# Just in case you want to start in the middle for some strange reason..... and to help debug problems
# Valid Values: 1-31 where: 1=1st; 2=2nd; etc.
firstDayofMonth: 1
# Enable if DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTLY reports should be auto-generated
autoReportEnable: true
# If 'autoReportEnable is true' then, enable various DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY reports
dailyPlayReportEnable: true
weeklyPlayReportEnable: true
monthlyPlayReportEnable: true
# Report Storage sub-folder under /plugins/OnTime/
# '/' implies no sub-folder. '/reports' is otherwise recommended
reportFolder: /
# Date format used in reports and in filename (if enabled below)
dateFilenameFormat: yyyy.MM.dd
# Enable date to be used in Report filenames (using format above)
dateInFilenameEnable: true
# If autoReportEnable is true, set the format of the reports: (Valid Settings: TXT, HTML, MYSQL)
reportFormat: TXT
# If AFK Collecting/Reporting is enabled, then set the period for AFK reporting/sorting.
# Valid values are: Today, Week, Month (make sure only first letter is upper case)
afkReportPeriod: Week
# If autoReportEnable is true, set the duration (in days) that reports are retained before they are auto deleted
# Set any of the following to -1 to disable the auto deletion for that report type
# Recommendations: Daily:8; Weekly:36; Monthly:380; afk:15
dailyReportRetention: -1
weeklyReportRetention: -1
monthlyReportRetention: -1
afkReportRetention: -1
# Referrals #
# Enable if players are allowed to be referred by other players, and 'referred by' rewards defined and issued
referredByEnable: true
# Enable if referred by usage should be tracked using permission strings. If referredByEnable (above) is true and
# dataStoage (below) is YML, this *MUST* remain true for referredBy to function.
referredByPermTrackEnable: true
# Max total OnTime (in hours) where player can still be referred by another. After they have been on this long, they can no longer claim
# a reference by another player. Set to -1 for no limit.
referredByMaxTime: -1
# Rewards: General #
# Enable if OnTime Rewards system to be enabled
rewardsEnable: true
# Enable if Reward Notification Messages to players should be displayed
rewardNotifyEnable: true
# Enable if Reward Broadcast Messages should be sent to all online players
rewardBroadcastEnable: true
# Rewards: Top Players #
# When should rewards be issued to the overall top (total OnTime) players? Valid settings: 'disable', 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly'
totalTopPlayReward: weekly
# When should rewards be issued to the overall top voting players? Valid settings: 'disable', 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly'
totalTopVoteReward: disable
# When should rewards be issued to the overall top referring players? Valid settings: 'disable', 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly'
totalTopReferReward: disable
# When should rewards be issued to the overall top point earning players? Valid settings: 'disable', 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly'
totalTopPointReward: disable
# Enable if 'loyalty' Points are going to be used
pointsEnable: false
# If 'pointsEnable' above is true, Enable this if negative 'loyalty' Points totals should be possible
negativePointsEnable: false