Promotion Schedule Not working #528

  • Defect
  • Waiting
Assigned to _ForgeUser8455416
  • _ForgeUser18806356 created this issue Jan 26, 2015

    What Version of OnTime and Bukkit are you using?
    OnTime: 3.13.3
    Bukkit: (Running Cauldron, but it doesn't say it's version. =( )

    What storage option are you using? (YML or MYSQL) ? YML

    What permissions plugin are you using? (Groupmanager, PEX,bPermissions, etc.) GroupManager

    Please provide a link to a copy of your plugins/OnTime/config.yml:
    Plugins: GroupManager, Essentials, OnTime (we have more, but none that interfere with groups)

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. /ontime rewards add promotion Member 12h
    2. /ontime rewards next
    3. No rewards scheduled for any member a part of the Default group.
    4. Tried switching groups: -global to groups: -all, and it shows scheduled rewards for 30 seconds and goes back to nothing scheduled.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Expected output is automatic promotions. Instead, it's acting as if I put no rewards in at all.

    Do you have an console log of what happened?
    Log doesn't show anything special.

    Are you having a "rewards" problem? Please provide a link to a copy of your /plugins/OnTime/rewards.yml :

    Did you turn on OnTime logging (/ontime logfile enable 1)? If so, provide a link to that file too.

    Please provide any additional information below.
    None to report.

  • _ForgeUser18806356 added the tags New Defect Jan 26, 2015
  • _ForgeUser8455416 posted a comment Feb 27, 2015


    Sorry for the long delay in addressing this ticket.

    It looks like your problem is your setting for AFK. You have AFK checking enabled, but you have the time before AFK set to -1. (In this case a negative value is not being used by the plugin to indicate 'disable'. NOTE: This is a separate issue I should think about.) So, as soon as players are logging in, OnTime is marking them as AFK. While a player is AFK, no rewards are issued, including permission rewards.

    So, if you want to disable AFK, then change "afkCheckEnable: false" in the config.yml, or set the AFK time to something greater than 1 minute, so rewards will work.

    Please let me know if this does not address your issue, or if you are no longer using the plugin.

    Again, sorry for such a long delay.

  • _ForgeUser8455416 removed a tag New Feb 27, 2015
  • _ForgeUser8455416 added a tag Waiting Feb 27, 2015

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