Oglofus Protection
Oglofus Protection
The Oglofus Protection project is a free, open-source, plugin for the Spigot/Bukkit and Sponge APIs that has written in Java.
This plugin allows the players to place a special block that protects a specifical area around the block and protects this area from griefing, like PreciousStones!
How it works?
Is really simple. When a player placed a protection block, the plugin creates a WorldGuard region and gives owner access on into the player. If the owner of the region breaks the protection block, the plugin destroys the WorldGuard region and gives the protection block back to the owner.
Can I help to the development of it?
Go ahead and try:
$ git clone https://bitbucket.org/oglofus/protection-bukkit.git
What are the commands?
You can read more about the command on the Commands page.
Can I use it on my Minecraft server?
Of course, you can. First all you have to check your server's Minecraft version.
The Oglofus Protections supported from Spigot 1.12. Also, you must have the version 6.2+ of WorldGuard installed on the plugin list.
> For every version of Oglofus Protection, the requirements are different. It would be good to check the description of the version before download it.
Check the following list for all the requirements.
How can I download it?
You can find any of the version on the spigot website, just click on the following link. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/oglofus-protection.4873/updates
Niko me eswses adelfe se pirazei na to kanw edit (tha exw credit ktlp)
Instead of spamming worldguard with regions, it'd be easier & less CPU just to get Towny, Factions, or Plots. All offer land protection and less hassle....
But good plugin! :D
In reply to Grrevous:
BTW about the CPU usage, by my own test, Factions & Plots have the biggest usage of CPU and RAM.
In reply to nikosgram17:
How do I disable the part where people cannot enter other's claimed land?
In reply to Drewkmon: