NovaGuilds is my own guilds plugin, still in development, but I want to hear your opinions and ideas.
Please leave feedback!
Vault is required!
BarAPI is required unless you turn it off in config!
HolographicDisplays is required unless you turn it off in config!
The plugin works on all 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 versions!
- Download latest version
- Put it in your plugins/ directory
- Also put there Vault
- Add BarAPI and HolographicDisplays plugins if you need.
- Restart/reload the server
- Edit config.yml to setup your database
- Add {TAG} to players chat message/prefix (I recommend Essentials config)
- Restart/reload the server
- Enjoy and leave feedback!
- MySQL and SQLlite support
- Money required to create a guild (Vault)(Configurable)
- Items required to create a guild (Configurable)
- Configurable region interact (you can allow others to use stuff in guilds)
- Configurable messages
- Tags in chat, above player and in the tablist
- Advanced region selection
- Automatic MySQL tables configuration
- Broadcast messages
- Pay/withdraw money to/from guild's bank
- Allies, wars between guilds
- Language support
- Guild/Ally chat
- Configurable command names
- Automatic regions
- Region resizing
- Banks
- VanishNoPacket support
- Auto update MySQL tables
Planned features
- Auto update to latest build (?)
- Auto update config (?)
- Advanced horse protection
- You tell me!
Undocumented features (bugs)
- Flat and SQLite are not stable, use MySQL
- Found any? Github -> issues
Command | Description | Usage |
/novaguilds, /ng | Main cmd and plugin info | /novaguilds [cmd] [params] |
/guild, /g | Main guild command | /g to list commands |
/ng tool | Get NovaGuilds tool! | Read its lore. |
/nga | Admin commands | Alias: /ng admin |
/nga reload | Reload the plugin | /nga reload |
/nga rg bypass | Toggle region bypass | /nga rg bypass [player] |
/create | Create a guild | /create <tag> <name> |
/abandon | Abandon your guild | /abandon |
/guildinfo, /gi | Guild's information | /gi <name> |
/join | Join a guild | /join [name] |
/leave | leave the guild | /leave |
If the plugin says it's #11 then it's #11 :P Maybe i did a mistake and uploaded #10 as #11, doesn't matter. Download dev #11 I don't give a damn what McCore says, whatever it is... btw. [NovaGuilds] MySQL connection failed.
Plugin działa na Bukkicie i Spigocie, jeśli chcesz żebym spróbował przenieść do na Cauldron napisz mi PW ;)
Hej czy plugin działa na silniku Claudron ? Szukam polskiego pluginu na gildie, a żaden nie współgra.
Czekam na odpowiedz.
TagAPI, TabAPI wywalone. Dopieszczę tę stronę gdy będę miał czas, na razie wolne chwile poświęcam na pisanie pluginu. Na dniach #10 ;) (Mam nadzieję) Dzięki za porady!
Dodaj proszę jakiś pokazowy film video, częściej dodawaj update aby znaleźć się na liście głównej, lepiej za taguj, dodaj więcej kolorów tam wyżej, zrób tutorial pisemny, odnośnik do configu, dodaj linki do wymaganych pluginów, zredukuj ilość wymaganych pluginów i umożliwij wymianę tagapi na np. coloredtag. dodaj wersje 1.8. to tyle, dziękuję i dobranoc państwu.
I will compile this for 1.8.3 and other versions when first release is out. For now you can clone my github project and compile it by yourself, I do not know if it's 100% working
CTRL2 może zawrzemy współpracę ja reklamuje twoje pluginy a ludzie piszą jaki by chcieli plugin i ty go piszesz potem będziesz jeszcze sławniejszym twórcą .
Great plugin, please support 1.8.3 :D
I got no idea how to run this on Cauldron, but I'm willing to make a build for this server if you contact me via PM and give info about how to do that. If it requires much effort I'd rather do it when NovaGuilds is finished or at least at further stage of development.
Thanks for interest ;)
any chance for a good Cauldron 1.7.10 Build of novaguilds in the next 30 days?