NoteBlockAPI - play .nbs files as noteblock sounds
Play your favorite songs ingame!
- play .nbs files ingame as noteblock sounds
- easy to use
- uses multi threading
Plugins that use NoteBlockAPI
NoteBlockPlayer: play for certain or all players .nbs files
Pl3xPager: get your attention by playing .nbs files
McMusic: play .nbs files
Bamradio: play .nbs files
ServerMusic: play .nbs files with signs
icJukeBox: song selector with a fancy chest-gui
Dubstep Gun: use the power of Dupstep
JoinMusik: play a .nbs file for players that join your server
How to get .nbs
Download .nbs files
You can simply download a few songs here:
.nbs list or scroll down for another list
Convert .midi to .nbs
use Minecraft Note Block Studio:
1. import your .midi file to Note Block Studio;
2. save the file as .nbs file in your plugin folder
How to use (since version 1.1.0)
Step 1/2:
add this line to your plugin.yml:
depend: [NoteBlockAPI]
Step 1:
Parse a .nbs file
Song s = NBSDecoder.parse(new File(getDataFolder(), "Song.nbs")); or Song s = NBSDecoder.parse(new File("/plugins/myplugin/Song.nbs"));
Step 2:
Create a player for the song
SongPlayer sp = new RadioSongPlayer(s);
Step 3:
define if the song should end when no one listens to it
Step 4:
Add players to Song
Step 5:
Play song
Contribute now and help us to update and improve NoteBlockAPI!
xFabi19, ich hatte gedacht es würde funktionieren, ich warte auf das Skript Addon von Nfell2009, und dachte das würde Klappen, (logischer weise) :P
Du kannst mich aber in Skype Adden, und ich könnte versuchen dir zu helfen.
Thanks GraciaTV
how did you mean this sp.setplaying(false); i Try it so
but Eclipse dont know what i mean with song9.setplaying(false); pls help me
sp.setPlaying(false); or use the Code from BAMRadio :P
How would I go about stopping a song that the player is listening to?
hi I need help. I created a Inventory with one Item. When you Click on the Item you start a Song. (Work all) I add a second Item to Stop the Song.(Work not)
Can anyone say me how i stop one Song?
Here is my code:
can anyone saw me how i can make this ?
Nice! Any ways to fix so you still can hear the song without that the music gets weird when you walk though? Please
when i installed NoteBlockAPI and ran it and did /plugins NoteBlockAPI was there but there was not NoteBlockAPI folder in my plugins folder help ;(
This isn't called in the main-thread. Thats called from the extra song-thread. NoteBlockAPI runs multithreaded
hmm yeah good idea, you can make a PR on Git to add this
Why would you sleep the main thread? It's crashed my server on several different occasions.
Please add something like
only returns the author who re-created the song in NoteBlockStudio.
Can you pls add it :3
nice API add to the list
So I really want this for my hub but I have no idea how to code... Can you please help me :(
Use the SongStoppedEvent:
yes, otherwise it won't play correctly
this is not a plugin.
this is an API (
if you want a plugin that plays .nbs files, look here:
hi, i dont have a Plugins.yml file in my server :-3 can u help me? if u can msg me on skype i may be able to give you to link and information for the files and console and you can show me how to put the API in. i am trieing to use the DubstepGun plugin but it isnt workign rigth. i tried puting the api in my plugins folder and my game recognises it as a plugin but none of the .nbs files that are also in the plugin folder are playing. sorry if i am compleatly misimformed and i just wasted 30 seconds of you life.
I've got one question, do the .nbs files have to be compatible with minecraft, what I mean with compatible is that in the top right corner it has to be grenn?
To update you list. There is another plugin that uses this Dubstep Gun (Click)
I cant change this file to midi for .nbs