
# Put the prefix here
Prefix: '&0[&bNoSwear&0] &r'

# If the player swear did the explosion should be enabled? 
Explosion: false

# If they swore would you like to kick them ?
Kick From Swearing: false

# What was the kick message then ?
Kick Message: '&4Swearing is not allowed'

# what was the command after player swore ?
Command after swearing: tell <player> swearing is not allowed

# What is the global permission for all ? except commands (Future)
Permission: noswear.admin

# If player has no permission what was the message to be ?
No Permission Message : 'you have no permission to do that'

# Welcoming Message ? 
Welcome: true

# What was it then ?
Welcome Message: '&7Welcome back <player>'

# Quiting Message ?
Quit: true

# What was it then ?
Quit Message: '&7<player> has been quit'

# You want to notify them if server is using anti swearing plugin ?
Notify: true

# Notification Message would be ?
Notify Message: '&7Hello there <player> This server is using anti swear plugin'

# You want to warn them if they chat using caps ?
caps warn: true

# What is the warning message if they chat using caps ?
caps warn message: '&4Caps is not allowed'

# You want to warn them from spamming ?
spam warn: true

# What is the warning message if they spammed ?
spam warn message: '&4Spamming is not allowed'

# Kick them from spamming ?
spam kick: false

# What is the kick reason to be ?
spam kick message: '&4Spamming is not allowed'

# Enable op advertising ?
OP Adv: true

# ChatCooldown is now enabled

  # Chat cooldown will check the command if they spam it too would you like this plugin to enable command process cooldown ?
  Check-commands: true
  # Warning message for chat cooldown
  Warn-Chat: '&4Your chat is too fast'
  # Warning message for command cooldown
  Warn-Command: '&4You are using commands too fast'
  # How many chat cooldown you want ?
  Interval: 2


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