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  • Uploaded
    Feb 5, 2012
  • Size
    28.07 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.1-R3


Huge update!

For the past few days, I've been working on making an update that fixes a lot of bugs, even ones that weren't reported, and added some new features to make your (creative?) server as lag-free as possible.

Update note: This update changes how many features are implemented. If you previously had an earlier version (1.1 or before), it is strongly recommended that you completely delete the plugin's directory (/NoSpawnEggs/) so the new file system can create itself. Read the config and permissions pages and scroll to the green text to see what's changed.

  • Chicken egg blocking: There is now a config option to disallow chickens from spawning out of eggs. This is configurable based on the permission the user has to block only in creative, survival, or both.
  • Dispenser chicken egg blocking: In addition, configure chicken eggs to turn into snowballs on the way out of a dispenser, preventing chickens from coming out.
  • Configurable messages: You can now configure the messages sent to the player when denied a permission.
  • Mob name colors: A dab of color in the deny messages.
  • Completely redone Yamls: Now, the config file is much more solid with better comments, the names file allows changing messages, and custom names have been moved to their own file (customNames.yml). Delete the old ones and let them regenerate!
  • Improved plugin.yml: Now, permissions systems should work much better.
  • More permissions compatibility: Any modern permissions plugin (not 2/3) should now work with this plugin.
  • Only right clicking: Left clicking while holding a denied spawn egg used to also cancel the event. Fixed!

Snow Golem blocking is still broken... still.... blame Bukkit.

There are sometimes severes on the first run of the plugin, caused by the required files being generated AFTER they are called for the first time. A reload should fix this.