
This plugin will control who can and cannot create portals with any map on your server.

Current Version: 0.6.3
Latest File Download.


  • Block creation of portals in any world.
  • Watchdog/Destroyer system will automatically remove any portals that are not in the Valid Portal list.
  • Stop Ender feature when enabled will stop players from being able to activate Ender Portals

NOTE: the permissions should be all lowercase.

'noportals.<worldname>.allow' - This will allow someone to create a portal in the specified world. 'noportals.reload' - This will allow someone to reload the pluging with the /noportals command.

<worldname> is the name of the world you wish to allow someone to create the portal.

NOTE: the permissions should be all lowercase.

The watchdog system will log new portals that admins/ops create and store them in the ValidPortals.log file. The watchdog system can be turned on and off via the config file and will be turned off by default.

Note for established servers: Recreate the portals you want so that the plugin system will know the location of them before turning on the watchdog system. The destroyer system is a part of the watchdog system; the watchdog system must be active for the destroyer to remove portals. I recommend keeping this system off until all wanted portals are in the valid list or you might find wanted portals being destroyed.

The Stop Ender system when enabled in the configuration file will stop unauthorized people from placing the Eye Of Ender in Ender Portal blocks, thus stopping them from activating the portals.


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