NoobResponse - Automatic Reply with Message and/or Actions!
This is THE plugin that will save you 1000 keystrokes a day!
I made this plugin because I myself am a server owner, and the innumerable amount of noob questions I was asked day after day was becoming simply intolerable... "How do I change my skin?", "Can I be an op?", etc.
And that's why I created this plugin, it's an automatic responder/chatbot/messager which will respond/reply to chat messages. You can set up triggers the plugin should respond to. For example:
- Player: "Can I get op?"
- Plugin: "No." And at the same time, the player would be killed or teleported or kicked, ...
NoobResponse requires Java SE 7 to run.
All credits for the video go to alien1947in.
In this version, the trigger ID what we use to reference a specific trigger. Trigger ID's are currently case sensitive. If you create a trigger with the same ID as an existing one, it will be overwritten.
All command permissions default to op.
The main plugin command. Subcommands & permissions are:
- /noobresponse reload - Reloads the plugin's config, discarding any new triggers. (noobresponse.reload)
- /noobresponse save - Saves the plugin's config, overwriting any changes that were made. (noobresponse.saveconfig)
- /noobresponse help - Prints a colourful help message. (
- /noobresponse version - Displays the version of the plugin you are running. (noobresponse.version)
Command to add basic keyword triggers, similar to version 2.0. Note that spaces are allowed in the response, but not in keywords.
Permission: noobresponse.add
Usage: /nradd <triggerID> <keywords> <response>
Example: /nradd exampletrigger keyword1,keyword2,no,spaces,please This is the response.
Command to list all loaded triggers and their responses. To view keywords & other details use /nrview. Permission: noobresponse.list Usage: /nrlist
Command to view all properties (keywords, response etc) for a trigger.
Permission: noobresponse.view
Usage: /nrview <triggerID>
Example: /nrview exampletrigger
Deletes a trigger. Cannot be undone.
Permission: noobresponse.delete
Usage: /nrdel <triggerID>
Example: /nrdel exampletrigger
Changes properties of a trigger. (More info here: Modify command)
Permission: noobresponse.modify
Usage: /nrmodify <triggerID> <property> <value>
Example: /nrmodify exampletrigger cancelmessage true
Starts a NoobResponse wizard with the given trigger ID. You can exit at any time by typing 'cancel'.
Permission: noobresponse.wizard
Usage: /nrwizard <triggerID>
Example: /nrwizard newtrigger
- noobresponse.ignore - Noobresponse ignores you. Completely. (default: false)
- noobresponse.noaction - Actions are not applied to you, even if you trigger a response. (default: op)
- noobresponse.nocancel - Your messages will not be cancelled. (default: false)
- noobresponse.norespond - Noobresponse will show a chat response to anything you say, but actions may still be applied. (default: false)
- noobresponse.setup - Yes, it is still here. It provides access to all the commands. (default: op)
- noobresponse.* - Access to all commands + being ignored. (default: false)
The best way to set up a Trigger(= Response) is to use the wizard we have built in. The command for the wizard is "/nrwizard <triggerID>" Make sure you choose a unique triggerID!
List of replacements here. A full list of actions is available here.
If you really want to set up triggers in the config manually, you can copy the example trigger and modify it, or set up old-style triggers in config.yml under 'messages'. (these will be converted automatically on server startup/reload)
For reference, the old style actions & variables can be found here.
Q: Is the response shown to all players?
A: There is a configuration setting for this, the wizard will ask you.
Plugin Metrics
This plugin uses PluginMetrics to get this data: (click the image to see more information)
If you like what we're doing, consider donating :) Please use the donate button in the top right.
Use a '&' followed by a hex digit, eg &aLight Green. More info here:
how do you add color?
Thanks! We are still working on the new version, it's possible that we'll release a test version later today for people that are willing to help test the plugin :)
Love this plugin, can't wait for the update, this plugin is a massive time saver :D Thanks guys for the awesome plugin. :D
No? There was no update. The plugin should be working fine. The new full rewrite of the plugin, with a lot more features and bug fixes (Mostly done by my friend JavaCow) will be released soon. We're not offering support on this version anymore.
it just stopped working, no errors or anything. was there an update today?
The new version which will (hopefully) be ready soon has many more features, including ignore permissions and better colour support.
I'm still using it fine, on r0.3 spigot.
Is there any chance we can get an ignore permission node? like, nobbresponse.ignore ? I'd be forever greatful.
Can you add color code support?
This peeks my interest very much.
However cannot use it for the current recommend build. But I will keep watch.
In the current release, colors are a bit dodgy. We are working on a complete rewrite at the moment which should provide better text recognition and more configuration options.
Awesome plugin !! :)
Added to the list. The new version of the plugin will be available soon. This wil fix a lot of the issues with the current versions.
A small request, I'd like to use the feature that runs a command on certain phrases, but I think I'm a little lost on how that part works. I understand how to use the variables for "hi:Hello (playerNameHere)" but use of commands is not working for me. I'm over looking something. Small example on the page would help.
I'd like to set up a response that when someone says "Please Stop Talking Hal" (we named ours HAL 9000), it would run a permission command to give them the permission to ignore them. Other than the stated above about commands being ran, there is no permission to limit auto responses on or off per person/group.
The reason I've been wanting to do this, if someone says "Wow, that is creative," or "You're pretty creative," it would respond about how to get to the creative world. I've tried limiting the response how, creative, but sometimes people ask "can I get creative" or something I don't add in. I don't like having multiple responses saying the same thing.
Awesome plugin, ive been waiting for something like this! THANK YOU SIR!
Semicraft will be using this plugin
Server IP:
PVP,Griefing,Factions survival rpg server
You can add it to your server list who uses it :3
/nr reload
doesnt seem to work properly.
Support for similar messages is very hard to code. But it will be added in the future. The idea for ban is good, we will consider adding it.
Support for possible simmilar messages? Like AAAADMIIIN and admin. Also, could you add autoban feature as respond to any ip at chat? Hate to deal with "Please join my server 123.123.123"
I cant seem to install it. The jar file has been dropped into my plugins folder, and I have restarted the server quite a few times. But it won't install. any help?
:D Thanks Guy I love this plugin its really awesome it does save me 1000 keystrokes a day :))
The fixed version has just been uploaded to BukkitDev, you may need to wait a few days before it is approved.