Actions & Variables
I will now give you a list of the possible actions/variables you can use in the responses.
Remember to replace spaces by dashes( _ ) !
Note that some of these are only working since version 1.06.
- Variables:
--name-- :This will show the player username in your response.
--time-- :This wil show the server time in your response. (format hh:mm)
--maxplayers-- :Gets the max amount of players.
--serverip-- :Gets the server's ip adress.
--servername-- :Gets the server's name.
--serverport-- :Gets the server's operation port (default 25565)
--bukkitversion-- :Gets the server's bukkit version.
- Actions:
!cancel! :If this string is somewhere inside the response, the message the player sent will not be shown in chat.
==>kill :This will kill the player who sent the message.
==>heal :This will heal the player who sent the message.
==>pcommand==>COMMAND (without /) :This will execute a command as the player who sent the message.
==>command==>COMMAND (without /) :This will execute a server command.
==>gamemode :This will change the gamemode of the player who sent the message.
==>kick(==>REASON) :This will kick the player who sent the message. With the optional reason you provide.
==>sendall==>MESSAGE :Send a message to all players
==>op and ==>deop :Speaks for itself.
You should also make configerable command that can be any server command.
Done, see above.
i was wondering how to add color to this if at all possible how would i do that
With the plugin I have that allows color chat for players. I just set it up with & signs fallowed by the number or letter.