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UploadedJan 30, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.2
3.1.0 - Derp
- Fixed some errors
- Build against 1.7.3
- Remove updater per BukkitDev guidelines. Probably didn't work right anyway.
3.0.7 - Revival
- Updating to CB 1.6.2
3.0.3 - Screws!
- Fix crazy lag caused by NoItem
- Add option to not check Vault and only check SuperPerms (if you have performance problems, you should probably set it to false)
- Change the way potions are brewed (see below section for more detail)
- Now only compatible with with 1.4.7
Commit note on potion brewing:
"Because the old method of checking potions left much to be desired, I
found a way to use the NMS brewing methods to find the result of a
recipe. The "nobrew" permssion now uses only the data value of the
RESULTING potion, not the recipe. (e.g. noitem.nobrew.64)"
3.0.2 - Silly Entities
- Fix for NPE spam when attempting to get the name of an entity
- Implement commands "/noitem" which returns the NoItem version and "/noitem reload" which reloads the configuration.
(Check the wiki for the commands permissions)
3.0.1 - Icing on the Cake
- Fix metrics not registering
- Fix issue with config not updating and reloading properly
- Add missing config options for Interact
- Rename config options
- Fix issue with isShear(ItemStack) checking to see if the item is a Hoe not Shears
- Fix for "lists" folder not generating
- Added the nouse node. It applies only to tools and supports the specification of right and left clicking.
Unlike NoInteract, NoUse checks the item in the players hand as opposed to the item / entity they clicked on.
3.0.0 - The Re-Write
NoItem 3.0.0 is completely re-written and smells much nicer than before!
This release features brand new features and removes some others. Here are the highlights:
- New config options
- Better permissions handling
- Removed commands for now
- Removed noopen since nointeract can do the same thing.
- Removed nouse node. A better solution may be added later.
- Removed custom block support, at least for now.
- Added nointeract node. This node supports left and/or right clicking.
- Added lists of tools and armor. Tools or armor must be in a list for the permissions to work. Vanilla tools and armor are included by default.
It is good to note that this version is not backwards compatible with 1.4.5 and earlier, additionally it only works for 1.4.6!
- NoItem is not written for MCPC or Forge
- NoItem uses nms/obc code and as such is CB version Specific! Make sure you are using a version of NoItem that is compatible with your server version.