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UploadedJul 4, 2012
Size54.15 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
- Change in how data values are handled - Check permissions documentation for information
- Fix an issue where nohold could be bypassed
- Fix not working for some Tekkit items
- Major rewrite of much of the plugin
- Removed option for blocking crafting and potions in config list. Must use permissions now.
- Added nobreak and noplace as seperate features of nouse
- now does not require vault to get item names
- now supports all item names in permissions as defined by any Material enum, to lower case with underscores removed.
- Fixed many bugs
- Lots of optimization
- Removed unneeded log entries on start and shutdown. Nobody like plugins that spam console messages.
- Change delay until item can be picked up again after a player who is not allowed to pick the item up from 10 to 5 seconds
- Fix double prefix issue in console
- Fix an NPE being thrown when a custom item is checked
- Reworked permissions handler to be smaller and overall better.
- Add metrics support. You can opt-out of this in SERVER_ROOT/plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml
- Fix several possible issues
- Fix DROP message not being displayed
- Config now repairs itself if damaged
- Cleaned up and reduced file size (it was a mess!)
Please remember to report any and all bugs so I can fix them!
- Several bug fixes from 2.0.3
- Added color code support for config strings
- Changed config to automatically include single quotes around strings
- Fix bug where tools durability is reset
- Added missing allitems perms checks
- Fix NoHold issue allowing users hold item
- Fix UknownHostException being thrown when update site is unreachable
- NoUse now blocks bucket empty and bucket fill, lighter, shears, and entity damage (for tools only)
- NoUse now blocks placement of blocks
- NoCook %t variable now sends "cook" or "smelt" depending on if the item is food
- Lots of optimization
- Fixed an NPE with the armor listener
- Massive amounts of optimization and cleanup
- Complete rework of permission and notifications system
- Admin notification is now off by default
- Improved admin notification message
- Config will now create a backup before overwriting a broken one
- Added support for smelting/cooking
- Added configuration reload command (/noitem [reload])
- More item names are now supported
- Probably some other stuff I forgot