NoGodPVP was aimed towards stopping VIP's, or creative-mode/godmode members from abusing during pvp. As a server owner, nothing upsets me more when i see a player with god like abilities killing off defenseless members. This plugin only loads the listeners you want enabled, for instance, if you only wanted to block fly during pvp, you'd enable fly and disable the rest. On enable, the class containing fly will be loaded as all the other ones remain unregistered. This was to improve performance. Hopefully the members of bukkit come up with suggestions, every idea makes this plugin a little better!
- Loads wanted classes
- Lightweight
- Simple config
- Essentials compatibility
- Simple reload command
Command | Permission | Description |
/nogodmodereload | Reloads configuration, enables wanted listeners | ngm.admin |
- v1.0
First release!
Configuration Options
block-pvptype: creativefly: true // does not support hack client flymode gamemode: true // creativemode allowed? False for yes vanish-potion: true //should vanish potions be blocked vanish-splash: true //should splash vanish effect not players, only mobs? block-enchantment: enabled: true //Should this class be loaded up on enable? max-sword-enchant: 5 //Highest enchantment level allowed, SharpnessV = 5 max-bow-enchant: 5 //Highest enchantment level allowed, powerV = 5 enchant-goldenapple: true //Not goldenapples, Enchanted golden apples block-essentials: godmode: true // This is the /god command muted: true // Essentials /mute jailed: true //If player is jailed
Works good right at it is, nice plugin!
When admins play on the server as well others will always say "he had godmode i couldnt hit him!". Most of the time it isnt true, but this way i can make it sure :)
soon, please? make it so after he pvped in fly or creative, he can't use /fly command for configured amount of time.. also please hook it into wg and safezone so u don't get out of creative in safezones for attacking :)
Oops, I sort of forgot about this plugin :P
I'll add some more stuff for you guys in a bit!
Hey does this plugin work for 1.4.6?
Hi! Great plugin! It is possible to automatically turn off /fly and block fly command for 1 min when get hit by other player?
It doesn't? Are you sure? During testing, we tried /fly through essentials many times. Maybe you need to update essentials?
This looks great!! Test good, will keep my admins in line too! However does not block or prevent essentials /fly. Any way you could add this?