Detect and fight the exploitation of various flaws/bugs in Minecraft!
NoCheatPlus attempts to prevent cheat clients from exploiting weaknesses of Minecraft or its protocol, making your server more safe. Checks cover a wide range of issues including flying and speeding, fighting hacks, fast block breaking and nukers, inventory hacks, chat spam and other types of malicious behaviour. For a more complete list have a look at the Features Page.
NoCheatPlus puts emphasis on configurability and allows you to customize actions that are carried out when a player fails a check (e.g. silent cancelling, executing commands, just logging). Bypass permissions allow to control what check to apply for which players, all checks can be deactivated in the configuration, also having the option for world-specific configuration files. Many checks allow more detailed configuration to adjust sensitivity.
Certainly NoCheatPlus is not a magical bullet, it uses a lot of heuristics and even guessing, so you will encounter false positives here and there and also not catch every single violation. Example video of how NoCheatPlus blocks cheats (outdated plugin version).
NoCheatPlus was introduced by NeatMonster, building on the code base of NoCheat by Evenprime.
The following plugins might be useful to have a look at.
Allows NoCheatPlus to activate packet-level checks, covering a range of exploits that can't be monitored using ordinary means. Since roughly Minecraft 1.7.10, the fight.speed check can't work as expected anymore, due to changes in CraftBukkit. With ProtocolLib this can be repaired.
CompatNoCheatPlus (cncp)
Make plugins like mcMMO or MachinaCraft more compatbile with NoCheatPlus. Not all existing plugins are covered (yet), but you can leave a note or create an issue/ticket request for cncp. Phasing out: Citizens 2 should work with NCP out of the box, MagicSpells are working on compatibility too - rest will be integrated into NCP.
Orebfuscator fights all sorts of X-ray-hacks by altering the map information that is sent to the players, such that they have to mine blocks to actually reveal what is behind. Virtually a "must have". (Latest versions of Spigot contain features of Orebfuscator.)
Downloads and History of Changes
- Download officially approved versions on the Files page at BukkitDev.
- Development builds have been moved over to the Jenkins at
- Do not download from any other source, do not use jars other people send you.
- Change lists: Wiki (digest) | Jenkins (by build number) | GitHub (all commits).
- Source code
Plugin statistics are no longer reported to
Documentation Resources
- Consider first: Frequently asked Questions and Known Issues.
- Wiki (Configuration, Permissions, Commands)
- Developers might have a look at the page describing the API of NoCheatPlus.
Contact us
- Quick questions can be asked on this page,
or on IRC (Server: | Default-Port: 6667 | SSL-Port: 6697 | Channel: #nocheat | Web client: WebIRC) - For real issues or feature requests please create a new issue/ticket or add to an existing issue/ticket.
- To send information that is not to be seen by all, you can also reach us by PM to @asofold and @MyPictures. @IceAP (IRC: ICE) will also help or redirect the conversation. Please do not contact the user 'NoCheatPlus', it is for administrative purposes only and will likely not be answered in time. Keep to BukkitDev and GitHub for support, do not trust users on other forums or websites, also not if their nick names are the same as NCP staff on BukkitDev.
Please always state the output of the "ncp version" command to let us know versions in use (users of cncp also the "cncp" command).
Hi, i searched everywhere but haven't find any answer so. Someone can tell me what do F/IF/CIF in actions after log:XXXX:#:#:HERE
Exemple in Fight > Direction :
Hi, I have this:
I already report it on github, no answer...
It appear each time I join my server.
My version:
I need version to 1.10.2, please!!!
Java 8!
Yes. And still, you won't find what you need.
For the people who don't have common sense and don't know how to use Jenkins, click the link below for the latest ncp version:
People flying in boats, and pvp hacks are working well to bypass the most current version? Am i going to have to look for another plugin to protect my server's Integrity?
Can I also mute the players instead of kicking them for spamming??
P.S.: Sorry, if I make some Mistakes by writing english, I'm german.
nuker works on bukkit 1.10 i'd advise not to use this until its fixed.
I have the same glitch only with hoed dirt.
A weird error that came through console:
As I can do so that users do not see notifications of cheats, that I installed the plugin on my server and all users appears cheat them notice
On my server, every time someone stands on a slab, they glitch. Is there a way to stop this?
There needs to be a way to make pillaring up/towering up, not TP you back down to the ground. This needs to be fixed.
if you suspect someone hacking and you clear there flag list and see they were flagged again for the critical/reach how accurate is it to know they're in fact hacking?
some people who pvp all day dont even get flagged for critical's or reach
Is it possible to disable nocheatplus in a specific set of coordinates/world guard region?
Is it just me or what but for some reason even people that are op don't get notified for cheaters I am using latest dev build please help if it is just me
I posted this in : check
NoCheatPlus: version: 3.15.0-SNAPSHOT-sMD5NET-b1020
GriefPrevention: version: 14.3
Spigot: 1.10.2
If a player walks on top of the gold/glowstone and those blocks are slabs or any half blocks NPC will spam staff about flyhack. I don't know if this should be considered a bug in GriefPrevention, NPC or non of them.
I just wanted you to be informed about the problem.
- l0lkj
Use ClearLag.