NoCheatPlus v3.5.4_1 [1.1 - 1.2.5]
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UploadedApr 9, 2012
Size170.38 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R1.0
NoCheatPlus v3.5.4_1
Fixed an issue with the ladders/vines and the falling check
Fixed an NPE when the block in the event is null
NoCheatPlus v3.5.4
Added the Projectile check to prevent various cheats
Added the AutoSign check to prevent players from spamming signs
Added the Tracker check to prevent players from staying too much time in the air
Improved the FastBreak check (should work with various plugins)
Improved the FastPlace check (shouldn't throw any false positive)
NoCheatPlus v3.5.3
Added the "MorePacketsVehicule" check
Added a simple check against the "safe-respawn" exploit
Added a permission to disable boat placement on the ground
Fixed the issue with the FastBreak check and the enchantments
Fixed the issue with the WaterWalk check and the step/stairs
Fixed the inversion of Rei's Minimap permission
Removed some useless code
NoCheatPlus v3.5.2
Added the FastBreak check
Added the FastPlace check
Added Rei's Minimap and MinecraftAutoMap disabling codes
Added a toggle in the configuration to allow client mods
Fixed the WaterWalk check
Added more stuff to the instructions
Renamed some of the configuration's nodes
NoCheatPlus v3.5.1
Added a new check called WaterWalk
Added Zombe and CJB mods disabling
Added survival's fly mode support
Code cleanup (mostly events related)
Removed the active checks printer