I use the nocheat plus with the companion plugin for mcmmo and magic spells, does nocheat classic support this other plugin perks, if so I would be willing to give the plugin a go :-)
There are actually a couple of reasons, and I'll try to list as many as I can.
People are really set in their ways. I know many server owners, (some are my personal friends) who have owned servers for a long, long time. They always used the original NoCheat, and got comfortable with the layout, and how it worked.
Performance. NoCheatPlus, if you haven't noticed, is a MONSTER on performance. Not as bad as, say, Orebfuscator, but still bad.
Simplicity. This plugin is darn simple. Not all server owners know a lot about heuristics, so they can't properly utilize NC+, so this is a little easier. (I know it is with me).
27,233 downloads suggest that maybe just a couple people enjoy using this.
I will be changing this quite a bit over the foreseeable future, as Bukkit begins to severely change, but I will be keeping the functionality of it, as well as the look and feel, the same.
If you wish to discuss it more, feel free to PM me.
Why make life more confusing by the rebirth and not just join NCP+ or fork into NCP+(lite)
This was already left dead for some time... help everyone by merging as NCP+ has provided fantastic support BUT a *LITE* Version (say one version for JUST PVP CHECKS) would be fantastic.
Choice of creative / survival block placement (NCP+LITE+griefprevent)
Choice of PVP glitch (NCP+LIFTE+hackprevent)
That - would be amazing. Rather then this "catch up" of the "same thing"
Version 3.6.4 should work in 1.5.1. I've tried it on my server and it hasn't crashed or given me any errors. As devilquak said, Bukkit was designed so that permissions didn't need to update with every new release. PermissionsBukkit is a great example here.
Edit: I still would like to know if this version actually works as intended.
Welcome back :)
Not inherently, however you could change the settings to ignore certain checks so that player's may use certain mods.
I use the nocheat plus with the companion plugin for mcmmo and magic spells, does nocheat classic support this other plugin perks, if so I would be willing to give the plugin a go :-) Thanks
There are actually a couple of reasons, and I'll try to list as many as I can.
I will be changing this quite a bit over the foreseeable future, as Bukkit begins to severely change, but I will be keeping the functionality of it, as well as the look and feel, the same.
If you wish to discuss it more, feel free to PM me.
Why make life more confusing by the rebirth and not just join NCP+ or fork into NCP+(lite)
This was already left dead for some time... help everyone by merging as NCP+ has provided fantastic support BUT a *LITE* Version (say one version for JUST PVP CHECKS) would be fantastic.
Choice of creative / survival block placement (NCP+LITE+griefprevent)
Choice of PVP glitch (NCP+LIFTE+hackprevent)
That - would be amazing. Rather then this "catch up" of the "same thing"
As of today... it is still being updated.
To anyone who wants the author to update: According to the 4th poster on this thread, No Cheat Classic is no longer being updated.
Try SafeGuard. m1enkrafftman worked on it with me at one point of time.
Version 3.6.4 should work in 1.5.1. I've tried it on my server and it hasn't crashed or given me any errors. As devilquak said, Bukkit was designed so that permissions didn't need to update with every new release. PermissionsBukkit is a great example here.
Edit: I still would like to know if this version actually works as intended.
just use nocheatplus guyz
for now
Please update to 1.5 NoCheatPlus isnt preventing no fall or spider please update :D
I second this! Please I really need you guys to update this plugin the 1.5!
Please 1.5, please
I am begging you to make it 1.5!
Make it 1.5!
The 1.4.6 version works on 1.4.7 servers. That's how Bukkit was designed, to let plugins need as few updates as possible.
Why can the players fly on my server with this plugin?
Please update this is by far the best nocheat plugin. I want it back! Its the only one that works with my server!
Update to 1.4.7 PLEASE
I highly unrecommend using this, any user can op anybody if installed.