Operator Protect

BTW, It's "No dash OP", because "Noop" looks dumb.

Overview & Desc.

  • Ever had players try to force, gain, or trick someone into giving themselves OP? No? Well get this plugin anyway!
  • Players without a permission can try the following commands: /opme - /forceop .... but will get kicked and publicly humiliated for it!
  • Players with the permission can still do /op. If you wish to limit /op even further, plugins like boosCooldowns can further restrict commands.
  • This plugin also prevents from mass console attacks, as it will effectively crash your server that way. It's sorta an unintended feature.
  • This first OP, if one does not already exist, must be added into the OPs.txt file.

Commands and Permissions

  • /forceop and /opme have no permissions, and can be ran at any time.
  • Staff with opme.main can do /op in a more secure way.

Known Bugs

  • None? Console with crash if ran from there, but this was kept to prevent console hacking.
  • This plugin does work fine with Essentials, in terms of commands.
  • NOTE: Players with OP already can still OP. Find another plugin to disable /op all together, if you wish.


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