NightmareMC Scoreboard
Breif Description: The awesome Newlooking Scoreboard! It will tell you your balance, the players online,and the rank. This is intended to be an informational board for the server. This plugin allows players to see the information on the server. It is compattible with vault and more plugins soon.
- /scoreboarddisable - Remove the player's current scoreboard
- /scoreboardenable - Enables the player's scoreboard
- /nohealthbar - Toggles the health bar under players
- Shows the players online
- Shows the player's balance (In Vault)
- Gives the player a greeting message
- Shows the player's health under the player's name
Stuff that is going to be added
- A config file
- Some commands to toggle the scoreboard on/off
- Permisions for people who have a defualt scoreboard or a staff scoreboard (optional)