Fixed the Bug when you RE-ENTER, not Server Restart for keeping your nickname!
Version 0.2
Added new command /old *returns your name back to its default one* (Name May Change!)
Added new command /rename <Player> <Name> to rename others (Name May Change!)
Fixed/Cleaned up my code ^_^
Version 0.1
Initial Release of Nick Namer
When you Restart Your Server, You loose the nicknames. You just have to re-type your nickname, and you will keep it until the Server is Restarted, then you must Retype it again.
When you rejoin..At least maybe with HeroChat, your whole chat message goes to your nickname Color. I'm hopeing this is just a bug with HeroChat and not NickNamer. Further investigation will be taken in the next couple of days
Did i forgot Something? Pm me or tell me in the comments and i will take a look at them!