NexGen KoTHs

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Want to give players on your PvP server something to fight over? How about an objective on a Kit PvP server? NexGen KoTHs is a plugin inspired by HCFactions/Kohi's KoTHs. With this plugin you can setup different "KoTHs" that your players can fight over! It also includes loot tables, in which you can setup rewards for the players who capture these KoTHs. Everything is configurable!

What is a KoTH?

The word "KoTH" is an acronym for "King of The Hill." These KoTHs (King of The Hills) are zones that players can capture. In order to capture a KoTH, you must stand inside the defined zone for a configurable amount of time.

NexGen KoTHs Features:

  • Fully extensive and configurable KoTHs!
  • Setup loot tables for different KoTHs that can give your players random rewards!
  • Each KoTH is able to be configured differently!
  • Create an unlimited number of KoTHs!
  • Everything is configurable!


  • /koth <Sub-Command> (Arguments) - This is the main NexGen KoTHs command.

Type "/koth help" to get a list of sub-commands and their arguments.


Optional Dependencies

  • Vault - Adds support for the "money" loot table reward that rewards the player a variable amount of money.
  • Factions - Adds support for the "FactionsPower" loot table reward that rewards the player Factions power.

Stats collection and data gathering

  • This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system. Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true, or by changing SendMetrics to false in the NexGen KoTHs config. The following information is collected and sent to
    • A unique identifier
    • The server's version of Java
    • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
    • The plugin's version
    • The server's version
    • The OS version/name and architecture
    • The core count for the CPU
    • The number of players online
    • The Metrics version
  • This plugin also utilizes Updater to check BukkitDev if there are updates present. You may disable this feature by changing AutoUpdate to false in the NexGen KoTHs config. Signature

Quote from the developer of NexGen KoTHs:

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.


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