NBTEditor allows easy customization of many aspects of Minecraft, through the modification of NBT tags, on Spigot and CraftBukkit servers. Creating custom potions and tools with powerful enchantments is as easy as running a few commands. And with the help of the Book of Souls, it's possible to create highly complex entities and spawners with ease.
Features include:
- Robust system to edit of all entities and spawners using a book based UI (Book of Souls);
- Conversion entities into '/summon' commands;
- Customization of items (name, lore, unbreakable, modifiers, colors on leather armor etc.);
- Item enchanting with no limits;
- Creation of custom potions;
- Conversion of items into '/give' commands;
- Tile customization (spawners, beacons, chests etc.);
- Conversion of tiles into '/setblock' commands;
- and more...
Edit now, spawn later: The Book of Souls is most powerful feature of the NBTEditor, it allows for easy entity customization. Create bosses, custom villagers, flying creepers or anything you like. No data files, no one-time customization, just keep the book safe and you can spawn as many entities as you like.
Included is also an 'Item Storage' command to keep track of your Books of Souls and other edited items.
The variable system used by the NBTEditor ensures that only valid NBT changes are performed while providing a standard way to make those changes. Arbitrary NBT modifications are not possible.
All Items, Entities and Spawners are fully compatible with the Vanilla Minecraft!
Great for creating adventure maps!
Source Code (GPLv3)
Jenkins Server (Dev. Builds)
Dev. Builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
User Creations / Contributions
- Tutorial Videos
Jenkins Server byAndrokai(thanks)- Armor-Stand-Be-Gone (BoS to remove armor stands) by Taperpapers
- The awesome NBTEditor logo (orig) was made by Sy_Gibbon from the french Minecraft community nefald.fr, they also have the documentation of NBTEditor and other plugins in french. Check them out.
- Cauldron Flower Pots by robertoccu
HELP / Troubleshooting / Reporting Bugs
Please Read the FAQ before asking questions.
For questions about features and general help you can use the comments below or PM me.
Using the comments may help others that have the same problem.
For technical questions (errors/bugs) PM me directly.
Please check that you are using the most recent version of the plugin.
To report bugs, on the latest version of the code, you can use the Issues Page at GitHub.
Don't use the Issues Page to ask questions.
Global Statistics
On version 2.0 the NBTEditor started using MCStats for usage statistics. MCStats is now offline.
Since version 3.0, bStats is used to gather general usage statistics. You can read here about bStats, what data is sent, and how to opt-out from sending statistics from your server.
In reply to Forge_User_23135399:
Yes, you can. The main command to edit spawners is /nbtspawner (/nbts), see 'Editing Tiles' on the Wiki. The spawner has a Range and PlayerRange variables. E.g. to edit the Range use '/nbts var Range 50'. Range controls the spawning range and PlayerRange controls the maximum distance a player needs to be from the spawner for it to work.
You can use '/nbts info' to show spawner information. See the commands page for all the commands.
what do the operations mean?
In reply to spudnuggett69:
Do you mean the 'operation' option on the '/nbtitem mod add' command!? It controls the type of mathematical operation that is used for the modifier. Use operation = 0 for addition (e.g. boots with +4 movement speed). Use operation = 1 for multiplication (e.g. boots with -20% movement speed). More infomation on Minecraft wiki.
The NBTEditor 3.0 for Minecraft 1.12 is here! See the files page for the download. Please do refresh old BoSs as explained on the downloads page (using the command /bos refresh)! Future changes may break your BoS if you don't! As some of you may know, many commands/sub-commands were removed and replaced by variables. You can now edit items and tiles using variables like the BoS. The documentation is being moved to the new wiki on GitHub.
I download the plugin, put it into the plugin folder, but the actual file doesnt load?
am i missing something...
In reply to Zeusiee:
Are you using the most recent version for 1.12? These are not available on the downloads page.
I've updated the versions page to include links to the latest versions... I'm currently working on version 3.0 that includes many changes/additions and works on all 1.12 1.12.1 and 1.12.2.
Do you see any error on the console? You should see something like '[NBTEditor] NBTEditor has been enabled' and no errors...
Help.. it's not work potion effect (speed) on bos
plz ...
In reply to Factman:
Because of the some internal changes of the potion system in Minecraft 1.9, you need to use an edited potion to apply effects to mobs! You can't just grab a potion from the creative inventory and use that. You need to first edit it with /nbtp <effect> <level> <duration>. Then use that potion on the bos! That might be the problem.
Other than that on need to be more specific on the issue...
In the last few days I've been updating much of the core code of the NBTEditor. I'm rebuilding the variable system completely. With the new system, everything uses variables like the Book of Souls.
Changes include:
With the new system instead of '/nbtbook title' you use '/nbtitem var Title', instead of '/nbtitem name' you use '/nbtitem var Name', etc.
There is still things to be done:
These changes are long overdue. After years of neglecting the NBTEditor and being away from Minecraft for so long, I don't even know if people still play it and create servers to the point of all this work being worth it. Anyway, in my mind, these updates might still have value to someone.
For now, you can download a development version of NBTEditor 3.0 on Jenkins (build #13) for Spigot/CraftBukkit 1.12+.
In reply to goncalomb:
Hello - I just wanted to thank you for your continued support of this plugin after all this time and say that yes, the update you're working on definitely is useful for me at least!
I use NBTEditor on my community's small server and it's been incredibly helpful to our staffers and fun for our players, especially the custom items. The additions - especially a quicker way to put the Unbreakable and HideFlags properties onto an item - sound great and I'm looking forward to v3.0!
Even though they may be a little buggy, custom items have been part of several minigames that we've developed, and it would be a great shame if they were to be totally removed. That repulsion bomb is a hidden gem :P If there's any way they might be kept, even in their current state without bugfixes, that would be awesome.
Anyhow, thanks again for your work and good luck with the remaining parts of the update.
In reply to Forge_User_53899816:
Thanks for the long time support. It's good to hear that the new update is welcome and will have some use.
Honestly, I'll probably end up keeping the Custom Items as they are, for now. Most of the code is still required by the rest to the plugin, the Book of Souls is itself a Custom Item. It's not easy to remove them without a good amount of code changes. On the other hand things like the moon/sun stick are just unusable (I may remove them) and others may have some bugs as well.
I think, for now, I'll just put a better disclaimer on the config alerting users that the items might be buggy.
In reply to goncalomb:
Hey,I've used this plugin for 2 days and I LOVE it so far.
But I have a problem with one command
/bos var HandDropChance
I tried doing:
/bos var HandDropChances 0.0,0.2
but it says it is invalid, can anyone show me an example of how to configure Drop Chances for mobs?
In reply to soupsupr:
Should work without the comma: /bos var HandDropChances 0.0 0.2
I'm working on a new update, I'll try to add some better variable descriptions.
Help! I can't equip items from command /bos items. Nothing change when I put item to the slot. My mob is Skeleton and I used to do it. It's just happen today
Hey, Could you please send me a link for NBTEditor 1.11.2 for my server
In reply to Forge_User_00494164:
ok not trying to nag or anything but you told us about the book of souls but never how to get it which makes this useless @goncalomb @Androkai
In reply to ReeceMCP1:
I'm not sure want you mean!? I know the documentation may be a little short and basic but it does include a page on How to Use the BoS and it helps read the list of all the commands (the first command on that list is used to create a Book of Souls, '/bos get'). You may also want to see some videos that users made (they are old but mostly still relevant).
Hey, 1.12.1 seems to break NBTEditor. A small compatibility update would be great