

For up-to-date information on NBTEditor 3.0 see the wiki on GitHub.


  • Permission: nbteditor.bookofsouls
  • Alias: /bos

To use this command you must be holding a Book of Souls (with exception of '/bookofsouls get' and '/bookofsouls getempty').

/bookofsouls get <entity> Creates a Book of Souls (BoS) for a certain type of entity.
/bookofsouls getempty Creates an empty Book of Souls, right-click an entity to capture its soul.
/bookofsouls var <variable> [value] Sets a specific variable, or gets the variable format.
/bookofsouls clearvar <variable> Clears a specific variable.
/bookofsouls riding Opens an inventory to set riding entities (stacked entities).
/bookofsouls items Opens an inventory to equip the mobs and armor stands or to edit the item on an dropped tem, fireworks rocket and thrown potion BoS.
/bookofsouls offers [page] Opens an inventory to edit the offers of a Villager.
/bookofsouls attr add <attribute> <base> Adds an attribute.
/bookofsouls attr del <attribute> Removes an attribute.
/bookofsouls attr delall Removes all attributes.
/bookofsouls tocommand Converts the BoS to a '/summon' command. Must be looking at a Command Block.
/bookofsouls toegg Creates a spawn egg from a BoS. Only some living entities can be spawned from eggs. Normal entity variation still applies (e.g. a Zombie egg can occasionally spawn a Zombie Villager).
/bookofsouls refresh Refresh/Rewrite book contents (useful to update the book after a plugin update).


  • Permission: nbteditor.itemstorage
  • Alias: /is

Can be used to store single items on files.

/itemstorage store <name> Store an item.
/itemstorage get <name> [player] Retrive an item.
/itemstorage info <name> List information about an item.
/itemstorage update <name> Update an item, the type and name must be the same.
/itemstorage remove <name> Remove an item.
/itemstorage list List the stored items.


  • Permission: nbteditor.nbtspawner
  • Alias: /nbts

To use this command you must be looking at a nearby spawner.

/nbtspawner info Shows all information about the spawner.
/nbtspawner var <variable> [value] Sets a specific variable, or gets the variable format.
/nbtspawner add <entity> [weight] Adds an entity as spawning possibility, weight sets the probability of spawning.
/nbtspawner additem [weight] Adds a the holding item as spawning possibility, weight sets the probability of spawning. The item can be a Book of Souls, a Firework Rocket or a Spawn Egg.
/nbtspawner del <index> Removes a specific entity from the spawner, by index.
/nbtspawner setpos <x> <y> <z> [index] Sets the position of spawning for specific entity, by index. If no index is provided it will set the position for all entities.**
/nbtspawner clear Clears all entities (resets the spawner to a pig spawner, all variables will remain).
/nbtspawner see Opens an inventory showing all Books of Souls that represent all entities (limited to 54). You cannot edit a spawner with this command, this is useful for getting copies of the entities.
/nbtspawner copy Copy a spawner.
/nbtspawner paste Paste a copied spawner.


  • Permission: nbteditor.nbttile
  • Alias: /nbtt
/nbttile beacon primary/secondary <effect> Sets the primary or secondary effect of a beacon.
/nbttile record Sets the record of a jukebox to any item.
/nbttile name [name ...] Sets and clears the name of Chests, Furnaces, etc.
/nbttile command-colors Replaces & with § on a Command Block, this will allow to write with special formatting colors/styles.
/nbttile sign <line> [content ...] Changes a single line of a Sign.
/nbttile tocommand Converts the BoS to a '/setblock' command by creating a Command Block bellow the tile.


  • Permission: nbteditor.nbtitem
  • Alias: /nbti

Any item can be used with this command, you must be holding the item to be edited.

/nbtitem info Lists all the information about the item.
/nbtitem name [name ...] Sets the name for the item.
/nbtitem lore add <lore ...> Adds a new lore line for the item.
/nbtitem lore del <index> Removes a specific lore line from the item, by index.
/nbtitem lore delall Removes all lore lines from the item.
/nbtitem mod add <attribute> <operation> <amount> [slot] [name ...] Adds an attribute modifier.
/nbtitem mod del <index> Removes an attribute modifier.
/nbtitem mod delall Removes all attribute modifiers
/nbtitem tocommand Converts the item to a '/give' command. Must be looking at a Command Block.


  • Permission: nbteditor.nbtbook
  • Alias: /nbtb

To use this command you must be holding a Book or a Written Book.

/nbtbook colors Replaces & with § thought out the book, this will allow to write with special formatting colors/styles.
/nbtbook title <title ...> Changes the title of the Written Book.
/nbtbook author <author ...> Changes the author of the Written Book.
/nbtbook unsign Unsigns a Written Book making it editable again.

/nbtenchant <enchantment> [level]

  • Permission: nbteditor.nbtenchant
  • Alias: /nbte

Used to enchant any item with any combination of enchantments. You must be holding the item to be enchanted.

If no level is provided it will cap at the normal max level for that enchantment.

Use level = 0 to remove a specific enchantment.

When used on enchanted books it will save the enchantment on the book to be used on an anvil. It will not apply the enchantment to the book itself.

/nbtenchant clear Clear all enchantments from the item.

/nbtpotion <effect> [level] [duration]

  • Permission: nbteditor.nbtpotion
  • Alias: /nbtp

Used to edit custom potions, grab any potion and run the command.

  • The original effect of the potion will be removed when adding a custom one.
  • The potion will be called 'Uncraftable Potion' (you can change it with '/nbtitem name').

The level defaults to 1 and the time to 30 seconds (with exception of InstantDamage and InstantHealth).

Use level = 0 to remove a specific effect.

Duration is in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec.) or with the format 0000d00h00m00s, e.g. 1m30s for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

/nbtarmor <color>

  • Permission: nbteditor.nbtarmor
  • Alias: /nbta

Used to dye leather armor.

The color has the format #FFFFFF.

/nbthead <skull-player-name> [player-name]

  • Permission: nbteditor.nbthead
  • Alias: /nbth

Creates a head/skull for a specific player.