NametagEdit v2.4
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UploadedMay 11, 2014
Size68.18 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- 1.6.4
- 1.5.2
NametagEdit v2.4
- Latest Update before UUID Update. Build #40
NametagEdit v2.1
- Deleted ConfigLoader class in favor of YAML (config.yml now instead of config.txt)
- Added aliases (/nte and /nametagedit)
- Comments for different arguments in the Commands to keep track
- Renamed Packet209Mod class for update clarity (and forseeable changes)
- Added Metrics for statistic collecting
- Deleted "PluginVersion" as it was used in the previous updater
- Separated Updater and Metrics into a separate Utilities package
- New permission: NametagEdit.update - Allows the command sender to update
- Removed PlayerDeathEvent manipulation as it did not work
- Removed section in config for death messages
- Removed unused methods scattered in the plugin
- Added when a player with the necessary permission joins, with updater enabled, they will be notified of the available update.
Version 2.0
- FIXED: 1.7 Compatibility
- NEW FEATURE: console-print-enabled enabled = true IN CONFIG.TXT If enabled, this plugin will not print 'Setting prefix/suffix' information in the console
- NEW FEATURE: Saves NPC Nametags upon logout.
- TEMPORARY REMOVAL: Built-in Updater
Version 1.8
- Fixed that bug where the plugin would infinately update.
- Plugin can now operate in any craftbukkit version.
- Removed unsued code
Version 1.7.2
- Added hooks for PermissionsEx and GroupManager, nametags now update when permissions change with these permissions plugins.
Version 1.7.1
- Fixed auto updater, it now correctly checks for updates.
- You can now disable checking for updates in the config.txt
Version 1.7
- Made the plugin backwards compatible. NametagEdit can now work with any bukkit server that contains scoreboards (all the way back to the first 1.5 dev build!)
Version 1.6
- Changed how nametags are managed entirely. This plugin now manually sends packets to manipulate scoreboard teams.
- Fixed any issues with multiverse, there is no longer a teleportation issue in NametagEdit.
- Changed auto updater to work with
- Added an API.
- Added support for 1.5.2
Please note that this release may be buggy
Version 1.4.1
- Modified onPlayerJoin event priority to fix a bug with plugins that save / load inventories across worlds. It is reccomended to update if you use plugins like Multiverse-inventories in your server.
Version 1.4
- Added configurable features to mask over formatted names in the death messages and remove formatting in the tab list.
- Fixed '&' symbols always being replaced with '§'. They now only replace when used in the context of a formatting code.
- Plugin is now compiled and compatible with Java 6
Version 1.3.4
- Added a safeguard for values in groups.txt and players.txt, making it impossible to disconnect clients from prefixes / suffixes larger than 16 in the configs.
- Fixed a bug with defining in-game variables surrounded by quotes.
Version 1.3.3:
- Fixed the formatting code symbol not correctly saving to the players.txt file.
- Updated plugin version (for the first time) in the plugin.yml
Version 1.3.2:
- Fixed the reload command not properly refreshing groups.
Version 1.3.1:
- Removed debug messages that were not really usefull.
Version 1.3:
- Allowed offline users to have their nametag edited.
- Added a players.txt file to store player's custom prefixes and suffixes
- Added a reload command
- Fixed a serious multi-world issue causing clients to crash when logging into a different world with a nametag.
- Formatted the help menu to be nicer
- Made prefixes and suffixes set with /ne able to override nodes assigned to groups.
- Made setting custom nametags over group nametags easier
Version 1.2:
- Allowed commands to be executed from console.
- Added custom nodes for configuring automated prefixes / suffixes.
Version 1.1:
- Fixes for 1.5.1 compatibility.
Version 1.0:
- Plugin release