Additions to MyZ #20

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to _ForgeUser9373349
  • _ForgeUser6928255 created this issue Jan 24, 2015

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Hey I got some ideas for this awesome plugin! I really think this would give an even better dayZ like feel.

    1. Carepackages - Random drops around the map with loot for people to gather. | OR | randomly generated chests around the map.

    2. Bodydamage - Broken legs, arms and so on. Needed bandage to heal.

    3. Breaking blocks system - Example, need axe to cut down trees. However you can still dig up sand with your hands, since It's not a hard material. This would of course be very customizable

    4. Radioactive zones - To restrict the players to a certain area of the world, or prevent them from going there

    5. Stat system - Statistics of your gameplay (kills, x times healed, deaths, time alive and so on)

    6. Enchantment of the skills system - Instead of getting skills automaticly, you could choose by yourself, how to level up. For example if you want more health, resistance against infection or a more agressive approach: quicker shots with bow or more damage.

    I know number 6. is large and needs alot of work, but I hope you will look into these and concider adding them to MyZ :D

  • _ForgeUser6928255 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 24, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9373349 posted a comment Feb 5, 2015
    1. I like this idea and will strongly consider adding it over time.
    2. Hmmm... Maybe.
    3. This smells curiously like Adventure mode to me.
    4. It seems to me as though if you don't want a player going somewhere, don't make it accessible. Granted, I'm sure there are external plugins that will add this functionality with much more detail than I would.
    5. Already added.
    6. Hey, this is a good idea too. Z Points... I like it.
  • _ForgeUser9373349 removed a tag New Feb 5, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9373349 added a tag Accepted Feb 5, 2015

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