What is this?
This is Plugin for edit item like ItemLoreStats and RPG-Items
Why must this plugin?
When i look around server, i always meet item that overpowered and not supported to complex plugin like mythicmob and skillapi, and the looks of all item is same that makes boring.
So, i made this plugin for the solution. This plugin have auto damage calculation in config and can change the view up to you.
Custom Effect:
Because pure vanilla potion, stats, and effect is too flat. i change the main data configuration so all effect of stats from vanilla is better when using this plugin. I also add custom stats like "Freeze, Curse, and Roots"
Logo Desainer: Asfarul
- This plugin for 1.9.x and 1.10.x
- Feature NBT-Tags only allowed for version 1.9.4
✔ NMS NBT Attributes
✔ Display Name
✔ Lores
✔ ItemFlags
✔ Enchantment
✔ Custom Attributes:
- Custom Lore Stats Attributes
- Buffs Attributes (sum-able)
- Ability Attributes
✔ Vanilla Potion Status Modifier
✔ Damage Modifier (support all plugin for damage modifier, and mob damage. And configurable in config files)
✔ Full Config [If you dont like lore from my own you can change from config :D]
✔ TabCompleter (just press [tab] if you dont understand use the command)
✔ SoundEffect (All features full with sound effect, make the plugin more colorful)
✔ ParticleEffect (Each ability have their own particle effect, that make the display more amazing)
✔ Database (Save your item with command /myitems save <nameId>)
Command List
- /myitems:mi <detail/reload/save/load/remove>
- /attributes:att <stats/buffs/ability/nbt>
- /setname <name>
- /addlore [<lore>]
- /setlore <line> <lore>
- /removelore <line>
- /addenchant <level> <enchantment>
- /removeenchant <enchantment>
- /addflag <flags>
- /removeflag <flags>
- /unbreakable [<true/false>]
Permission: "myitems.admin"
Please rate and comment what do you want for the next update,
If you like this plugin you can donate so i will make the update much faster.
Next Big Update: [Version 2]
- Add Power Command & Power Shoot
- Requirement:
- Requirement:
- Total Download Reach 250 [✘]
- Total Rate 20 [✘]
- Tags: lore, lores, custom lore, lore stats, nbt, nbt attributes, unbreakable, enchantment, item flags, database, damage, custom damage, vanilla, vanilla damage, mob damage, buffs, ability, tools and utility, system damage, custom stats
- Send me a message if you found any bug, or want to give me a suggestion.
- Email: [email protected]
- FB:
look for it on spigot, its released there/
Where can I download this plugin?
Does this plugin add its own attributes, enchants and buffs? or do we have to use plugins like item lroe stats and rpgitems?