
This is a part of the old tutorial. You better check the new and updated tutorial.


    join-message: '<player> has joined the game <game>.'
    rejoin-message: '<player> has rejoined the game <game>'
    leave-message: '<player> has left the game <game>.'
    kill-message: '<killer> killed <killed> in game <game>.'
    vote-message: '<player> is ready to play <game>. Type /hg vote when you are ready to play.'
    default-game: 'Test'
    default-time: 10
    min-vote: 5

join-message - this message is used for when players join a game
rejoin-message - this message is used for when players rejoin a game
leave-message - this message is used for when players leave a game
kill-message - this message is used for when players are killed
vote-message - this message is used for when players vote that they are ready for a game
default-game - this is the name of the default game for shorthand notation when using the command "/hg join <game name>"
default-time - this is the time (x seconds) for the countdown when players are ready to play
min-vote - this is the minimum number of players that are needed to vote to start a game

Chest Items

With MyHungerGames, you can add chests to you games to fill with random loot of your choice! But you'll have to learn how to define items in the config though, but don't worry! Its really simple, add a new section titled "chest-loot":

    join-message: '<player> has joined the game <game>.'
    rejoin-message: '<player> has rejoined the game <game>'
    leave-message: '<player> has left the game <game>.'
    kill-message: '<killer> killed <killed> in game <game>.'
    vote-message: '<player> is ready to play <game>. Type /hg vote when you are ready to play.'
    default-game: 'Test'
    default-time: 10
    min-vote: 5


This is where you will define your items. To define one you must look up your item in the List of Items. Then create another section, and define your "stack-size" under that. You can also define "chance", this is used when it randomly selects the item (default 1/3), useful for rare items! In this example i will show you how to create a stack of 10 Diamonds with a chance of 0.5:

        stack-size: 10
        chance: 0.5

Simple right?! You can even have tools with enchantments! First you must look up its name and levels in the List of Enchantments, then define it just like the "stack-size" and "chance", and add your level! I will show you how to create a a Diamond Pickaxe with the "DURABILITY" enchantment:

        stack-size: 1
        chance: 0.01
        DURABILITY: 3

For a detailed explination of how my plugin random generates item in chests, please visit this page.


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