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i allowed players to brake leaves and grass and it didnt work, also i put interact with blokcs to true and yet still no access. When you open a chest with your stuff in the tool bar all of the items clear from your inv. and your toolbar
Please stop your server/do /hga reload, and paste your config.yml on here is my config. i got the toolbar thingy fixed. now i need help getting the blokcks to breaking.
@NitroFox0: Go
I'm pretty sure if you specify data (:*) for a material, ALL the combinations of that material must have data for it to work. This includes 0. So you'd have to put 18:0 not 18. Alternatively, you can just set 18 and not "18:1, 18:2, 18:3" and that will cover all leaves.
NOTE: I THINK this is right, but I can't check the code to verify.
ok well once i did that i can break leaves now and interact with stuff but now when someone doesnt win they keep all there items even tho i set it so only winners do.
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