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What steps will reproduce the problem? game as normal, once winner is decided game ends, layers teleport away.2.many of the players and teleported to the void on leaving the game, at this point they can not do any commands, /ping, /spawn, chat etc.3. the player/s then crash,
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?should TP to the point they were at when the joined the hunger game OR like alot of other plugins, you should be able to set a END and QUIT point, this way it can be 1-2 blocks above the floor to help avoid any TPing into or below the floor.
What version of the product are you using?lates,t this has happened in at least last two versions.
Do you have an error log of what happened? Can you upload some of your files?
Please provide any additional information below.
Please post your games.yml on
Its a pretty simple setup, spawnpoints, a load of chests, then this...
blacklistedchests: {} fixedchests: {} itemsets: [] cuboids: - 202 1 90 0 0 groundzero:312 100 201 0 0 groundzero enabled: true spawn: 251.499 77 145.508 -88.935 90 groundzero
@Rickious: Go
Hm okay could you post your plugins too?
pvpgunplus, WorldEdit, VoxelSniper, BattleTracked (removing), SignEditor, ConsoleScheduler, RedClock, PermissionEX, WorldGuard, ChestRegen, SQLLibrary, ClearLag, ModifyWorld,WGCustomFlags, Essentials, Lift, WGMobDamageFlags, WGPlayerDamageFlags, WGFlyFlag, EssensialsSpawn, WGBlockRestrictor, EssensialsChat, WGInstaBreakFlag, VoxelModPackPlugin, WGDropFlags, Minigames, WGRegionEffects, ServerSigns,Enjin Minecrafr Plugin, Wireless Redstone, Vault, uCars, StackableItems, MyHungerGames, Battlearena (removing) MobArena, ArenaCTF(removing)
I will remove the 3 im getting rid of and test again.
I have removed battletracker, battlearena, arenaCTF and it is still the same so we can rule those out at least.
Can you post your configuration file too?
Just to let you know I really appreciate your time on this.
I see you have use-spawn set to false. If you set that to true, then users will spawn at `x=251.499 y=77 z=145.508 pitch=-88.935 yaw=90` in the world `groundzero`. This is the END/QUIT point you were wanting. Also, this may be a bukkit issue, because if a player teleports to somewhere where the player would be in a block, then bukkit moves them to a safe location (also in vanilla minecraft, but not as apparent)
This happend to me too
Server log:
Crash report:
I was teleported to the void after winning, and the server crashed
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