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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. ./hga add game <Name1>2. ./hga add cuboid <Name1>3. ./hga add chest <Name1>
What what do you expect to happen?The command to work...
What do you see instead?An internal Error has occured.
What version of the MyHungerGames are you using?1.1
What version of CraftBukkit/Spigot are you using?1.5.2 R1.0
Paste the files related to your problem (log/permissions file/config.yml) on and link it.
Please provide any additional information below.
I had an internal error upon every single command used when i migrated my server. So i reinstalled myhungergames from scratch and it seemed to do the trick. I copied over my config.yml only, just for breakable blocks info etc.I then added the game, added the cuboid which all worked no internal errors. Then when i go to add spawnpointsa and chests everytime i use those commands it will still let me click on them and say:
Spawnpoint 1 addded (or what ever is says)An internal error has occured.
Not sure why this isn't working because before i had added 13 chests and it was in the game.yml, yet now when i add them they wont save to the game.yml file.
I had someone take 30minutes added over 400 chests that was incredibly hidden and by the end we had no idea that it would add to the game.yml.
Help please.
that it wouldn't* add to the game yml.
Can you post the errors in the console?
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