How can a create a custom command that i can use without op? #371

  • user_uun8j0q0h7o0wmz3 created this issue Oct 6, 2024

    How can a create a custom command that i can use without op?

  • Caley19_ posted a comment Oct 14, 2024

    command: /list
    type: RUN_COMMAND
    - '$text$&6Online players:&e $ponline&6.'
    permission-required: false

    permission-node: myserver.playerlist

    permission-error: '&cYou don't have permission.'
    register: true


    For anyone to use your custom commands add "permission-required: false". If you want to add specific permission node, add both "permission-node: myserver.playerlist" and "permission-error: '&cYou don't have permission.'". If your custom command includes a command that can be only run by OP players (example /give $player item amount) and you want your players to execute this command without permission, you can use other command type, instead of type: RUN_COMMAND, you use type: RUN_AS_OPERATOR. This way, the player will be bypassing all permissions while executing your custom command, but it can lead to security issues(I personally didn't had any so far). But I recommend using RUN_COMMAND type in combination with $RUN_CONSOLE$ in front of the commands, if they can be executed through console.

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