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Using mycommand to run in server broadcast tips through or server host company that has schedule options for commands or tasks.
Works fine when running the command as a player and shows properly.
Works fine writing the dialogue in console and running it.
Somewhere along the way its going wrong and some messages are losing the / for no reason.
For example we have one message that reads along the lines of /warp help and use /help for more info.
However the tip comes through as warp help and use /help for more info.
I have spoken with my server hosts but they cannot see anything their end for it to be them but have gladly said they are happy to offer any info/support.
It very much seems like mycommand is having a wobble and being sensitive to something we just cannot figure what.
Especially for the / to work in one part of the message but not the other.
Try put the text inside with either " " or ' '
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