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I run a semi-anarchy minecraft server and combat tping is something I'm trying to prevent. I set MOVE_LISTENER: true and it isn't making a difference. Players are moving and still teleporting. The commands are dependent on Multiverse plugin. These are my commands:
resourceworld: command: /resourceworld type: RUN_AS_OPERATOR runcmd: - $Script$%if%$world==world<or>$world==world_nether - /mvtp resource_world - /tellraw $player ["",{"text":"You have been teleported to the resource world!","color":"aqua"},{"text":" Be careful, players can see you on","color":"red"},{"text":"","color":"yellow"}] - $Script$%if%$world==world_the_end - /tellraw $player {"text":"This command does not work in The End!","color":"red"} permission-required: false register: true warmup: 10mainworld: command: /mainworld type: RUN_AS_OPERATOR runcmd: - $Script$%if%$world==resource_world<or>$world==resource_world_nether - /mvtp world - /tellraw $player {"text":"You have been teleported back to the main world!","color":"aqua"} - $Script$%if%$world==world_the_end - /tellraw $player {"text":"This command does not work in The End!","color":"red"} permission-required: false register: true warmup: 10spawn: command: /spawn type: RUN_AS_OPERATOR runcmd: - /mvtp world - /tellraw $player {"text":"You have been teleported to spawn!","color":"aqua"} permission-required: false register: true warmup: 10
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