registered commands not working. #356

  • shadowxdxrk created this issue Dec 23, 2022

    Any of my registered commands do not run and I don't know why they all say Unknown command. Type "/help" for help but unregistered run fine this was probably my fault but I do not know why 

  • shadowxdxrk posted a comment Dec 24, 2022

    I found out the issue but Idk what is making it happen Type "/help" for help error is from the command that was inside (

    execute in minecraft:spawn run tp $player -1 61 -1 ) witch will run fine outside of mycmd so I put $text$  infont of the command just to see what was happening and the out put was the command without x witch would cause this error if its trying to run like that and Idk how to make it not do it
  • shadowxdxrk posted a comment Dec 24, 2022

    if I do "$text$1xx2" the output will be 12 so x is getting removed but idk why or how to stop it

  • shadowxdxrk posted a comment Dec 24, 2022

    I reinstalled the plugin so what ever config or what ever was messed up should be reverted to normal and it fixed its self so it should work as normal


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