player selector #324

  • JonJon132 created this issue Jan 23, 2022

    i have a player selector with custom data but i want to use a command like /warns <player> and have the player link with the player in the command how would i go about doing that 

  • Caley19_ posted a comment Jan 26, 2022

    You want to make a warning command? By linking you mean sending a warning message to a selected <player> when YOU type the command? From what I know, mycmd doesn't have a feature to run a command for other specific $player, but you could use EssentialsX's "/sudo <player> <command>" command to send him your custom made $text$warning message, or something like that.

    If you are interested, you can try my warning command "/warning <player> <reason>" which warns player and shows him a warning reason and plays him a scary roar sound effect:

    #================ WARNING SYSTEM ================
    command: /warning
    type: RUN_COMMAND
    - '$broadcasttext$&6Player&c $arg1 &6was warned by $player.'
    - '$Script$%Variable%warning_cmd_author=$player'
    - '$Script$%Variable%warning_cmd_message=$multiargs'
    - '$RUN_CONSOLE$/sudo $arg1 zgel5su6qhl9p6s $multiargs'
    register: true
    required_args: 2
    - $player_list
    - reason
    broadcast_message_permission_node: warning.admin
    permission-node: warning.admin
    permission-error: '&cYou don't have a permission to run this command.'


    command: /zgel5su6qhl9p6s
    type: RUN_COMMAND
    - '$text$&c&lYou have been warned by warning_cmd_author! Reason:&6 $multiargs&c&l.'
    - '$RUN_CONSOLE$/execute at $player run playsound minecraft:entity.ravager.roar block $player'
    permission-required: false

     You need to add 2 variables before using it:
    "/mycmd-variables create warning_cmd_author" and "/mycmd-variables create warning_cmd_message"

    Edited Jan 26, 2022

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