Chat Listening for Args? #236

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  • Sxxshingekinokyojinxxs created this issue Oct 29, 2020

    I'm trying to make a verbal "spell" that teleports the caster to the coords they indicate, much like how /goto works. I have:
    command: Nosirreni
    type: RUN_CONSOLE
    - '$delay$<1>/tp $player $arg1'

    When I say Nosirreni in chat, it says I'm missing an arg. When I say Nosirreni 10 10 10, it doesn't do anything. I've also tried /tp $player $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 (I didn't the first time because /goto worked just fine with just $arg1, at least that's what it says in the config examples page). Basically, what I'm asking, is how do I make it so chat also looks for arguments? Also I noticed that the example for /goto only uses x and y, and teleports to the highest block. I'd like to preserve that too if possible

  • Sxxshingekinokyojinxxs added a tag Waiting Oct 29, 2020

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