Script, please help #218

  • coffeegod42 created this issue Aug 2, 2020

    i am trying to make rank purchased by npc, i still havent add commands to npc so they are not the problem

    the problem is that i try to check if a player has permission custom.rankup1 and if he does then a text will appear and if not then console add player to the group

    and then make custom.rankup1 true so next time he try to use this command he wont be able to

    but when i run the code its says i already have the permission even when i checked i dont and i am not op


    this is my custom command:


    command: /rankup1
    type: RUN_CONSOLE
    - '$Script$%if%HasPermission=mycommand.cmd.dice'
    - '/lp user $player parent add noob'
    - '/lp user $player permission set rankup1.true true'
    - '$text$&arank successfully purchased'
    - '$Script$%else%'
    - '$text$&3You already purchased this rank'
    permission-required: false


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