Use $multiargs that doesn't include $arg1 #203

  • DiamondbackPlays created this issue Apr 18, 2020

    Is there a way I can use $multiargs without the first $arg1 argument?


    Essentially, I'm trying to create a /fakesay command that says something in chat as a fake player. The format for the command is /fakesay <username> <message>, and the output in chat is <username> <message> but obviously the message portion has spaces in it, so I have to use $multiargs for that. Since $multiargs prints ALL of the arguments, is there a way I can print $multiargs without having it print $arg1 (resulting in $arg1 being printed twice)?

  • CyberGen49 posted a comment Jul 4, 2020

    If I were you, I'd make a separate command that sets your fake username as a playerdata variable, then use that playerdata variable in your /fakesay command.

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