%stayopen% in Icon Menu doesn't work #188

  • NetyTV created this issue Nov 15, 2019

    Hi, I have this icon menu but when I click on the item to perform the command, it performs the command but it CLOSES the menu even if I have there %stayopen% before the command. Am I doing anything wrong?


    command: /brb
    type: ICON_MENU
    iconmenu_title: 'title'
    iconmenu_size: 18
    iconmenu_autofill: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
    - '0:DIRT:0:%stayopen%/command:&2Jméno:&aLore'
    - '1:DIRT:0:%stayopen%/command:&2Jméno:&aLore'
    - '2:DIRT:0:%stayopen%/command:&2Jméno:&aLore'
    permission-required: true
    registered: true

  • L3thalBunny posted a comment Nov 30, 2019

    I use it and it works for me... might be you're special characters causing trouble?

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