Rent access to a command #147

  • Other
  • WhiteKing21 created this issue Jun 3, 2017



    I will like to charge = ($500+ (balance*0.10))

    for access to a command I created, but not for use it. This means that I just want to charge once for them to be able to use it forever.
    Do you know how can I do this or if I can even do it? :S

    I actually want to charge for rent like want to give access to it for a week not forever but as far as I Know this is not possible.

    This is the command
    command: /store
    type: ALIAS
    alias: /shop create 1 $arg1 0
    permission-required: false
    register: true
    cost: 500+(/balance)*0.10

    actually is this because I,m trying to hide the original because I don't know how to restrict te access to it u.u***

    command: /store
    type: ALIAS
    alias: /1/s*☻|♥1/s*|♥ create 1 $arg1 0
    permission-required: false
    register: true
    cost: 500+(/balance)*0.10

    Iguess I can ADD_PERMISSION but I dont know how to ADD_PERMISSION to a custom command that I'm creating, remember that I cant take permissions from the other one :S I.E I'm trying this, but obviously it will not work :S

    - '$6Add an extra permission to another existing command'
    permission-node: mycommand.mybalance
    register: true
    permission-required: false
    cost: 500

    command: /mybalance
    alias: /balance
    permission-required: true
    cost: 0

    For your help
    Thank you!

  • WhiteKing21 added a tag Other Jun 3, 2017
  • bbruno5 posted a comment Jun 8, 2017

    Use a perm system, like PermissionsX. When you user buy the option to use the command, the console perform the command from permissionX to add the perm to user. It works for me.

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