command throws "Loop Protection! Change the command name or command output." #143

  • _ForgeUser19984317 created this issue Mar 12, 2017



    I just started to use this plugin and am trying to get the hang of it. So far so good but I stumbled on a problem with one of my commands.
    The command needs to give all players online in the server a random gift from a predefined list.

    It needs to be called from the console as well, because it needs to be called by Buycraft, but for some reason it keeps throwing the same error whenever I call it: "Loop Protection! Change the command name or command output."

    Do you have any idea how I can change my code so it won't say that? Because it also outputs it to all the players, even not admins.

    Here is my code:


    command: /basicgift
    executefor: ONLINE_PLAYERS
    type: RUN_CONSOLE
    - '$Script$%PlayerData%basicgift=$GetRandomStringFromList%COOKED_CHICKEN:30;NAME_TAG:1;IRON_SWORD:1;LEATHER:8;SAND:64;BOOKSHELF:8;IRON_INGOT:8;ENDER_PEARL:1;NETHERRACK:30%'
    - '$delay$'
    - '$text$&b+------------------------------------'
    - '$text$&b| &6Have fun with your gift! '
    - '$text$&b+------------------------------------'
    - '$Script%PlayerOptions%addItem: $PlayerData%basicgift'
    delaytimer: 1
    permission-required: true
    execute_mode: CONSOLE_ONLY


    Help will be appreciated allot!

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