Targeting $player #137

  • New
  • _ForgeUser29100267 created this issue Dec 11, 2016

    Hello! i love this plugin, and rely on it for so much. I was really bummed though, when I downloaded the updated version, and when my players type /hub or /spawn it relays a message saying that $player cannot be found. Is this no longer compatible with MV? As I said, my server heavily relies on this plugin, and would love a hasty response/resolution. Thank you!


     EDIT: Here are some screen shots so you know what's going on in game.


    If you could, come check it out for yourself. It may be easier that way.

  • _ForgeUser29100267 added a tag New Dec 11, 2016
  • _ForgeUser29100267 edited description Dec 14, 2016
  • _ForgeUser29100267 edited description Dec 14, 2016

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