MyCommand v5.3.2
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UploadedMay 18, 2016
Size295.00 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.9
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
MyCommand Version 5.3.2
INFO : From the version 5.3.0, the commands file are located in the folder "plugin/MyCommand/commands/" , the old one will be copied in that folder.
- Added required_args: 123
- Differently from "require_all_arguments", this allow you to add the "check", on every command type, and give you the ability to be more specific. The "automatic" system in runcmd, works per line, so it's not very efficent, this is a good replacment.
- Added WARMUP_AND_COOLDOWN command type.
- To be used with other plugin commands. Use the "cooldown" and "warmup" command field for set the time.
- Added $Script$%PlayerDataFor%$PlayerName%Variable=$arg2 and $PlayerDataFor%PlayerName%VarName%
- This allow you to edit other player datas with out using /mycmd-playerdata. The second placeholder it's just a placeholder for get information of a specific player variable.
Breaking changes in the $Script$
- Changes :
- Added $Script$%elseif%
- Added <and> and <or> condition for $Script$%if%
- [!] All the %if% statement can be executed together if every result is true. (in the old version, if one if is true, the next one don't get executed)
Example : (if both ($arg1 and $arg2) are true, execute both (/cmd1,/cmd2).
- $Script$%if%$arg1==true - /cmd1 - $Script$%if%$arg2==true - /cmd2 - ecc ecc..
If, you want deny the execution of the next IF, use ELSE IF :
Example :
- $Script$%if%$arg1==true - /cmd1 - $Script$%elseif%$arg2==true - /cmd2
In this way, if $arg1 is true, and the second ($arg2) is true, the second don't get executed, because the first gets already executed.
Of course, if $arg1 is false and the $arg2 is true, the second get executed.
If both are false, you can use %else% like the exemple above:
Example :
- $Script$%if%$arg1==true - /cmd1 - $Script$%elseif%$arg2==true - /cmd2 - $Script$%else% - $text$ Nothing Executed.
How to use <and> and <or> condition :
$Script$%if% CONDITION1 <and> CONDITION2 <or> CONDITION1 <and> CONDITION2 <and> CONDITION3 <or> ecc....ecc.....
- "$Script$%if%$gamemode==SURVIVAL<and>$world==world_survival<or>$gamemode==CREATIVE<and>$world==world_creative" - "/dosomething"
Other changes:
- The console now support $Script$%PlayerData% and $Script$%Variable%
- ICONMENU command now replace placeholders.
- Also, now you can run multiple command, splitting them with the ";". :/command1;/command2:
- /mycmd-runas now supports placeholders
- /mycmd-runas console remove the slash automatically (if there is one)
- Revamped %PlayerOptions%addItem . Now support ItemMeta : Enchantments;Level : Displayed Name : Lores;line2;line3...
- Example of use : '%PlayerOptions%addItem: STONE_SWORD:1:0:DAMAGE_ALL;1;FIRE_ASPECT;1:&aMega Sword:&bLine 1;Line 2;$random_colorLine 3'
- Added RUN_AS_CONSOLE_MESSAGE in language.yml
- Minor changes.
MyCommand Version 5.3.0 - 5.3.1
- Added the support for multiple command files. Your old commands.yml (if exist) will be copied in the folder MyCommand/commands/
- Fixed an NPE Error in the PreProcessEvent and ConsoleListener in determinate circumstance.
- Minor changes to /mycmd-playerdata. Added /mycmd-playerdata removevariable
- COOLDOWN and WARMUP type (not cooldown and warmup fields for custom commands)
- The timer now works every second. This take trace of the remaining seconds when a player try to execute the command again.
- Removed an unnecessary cooldown message when one command get executed.
- success-message it's now supported for the cooldown commands.
- The console now support $Script$%if% and $Script$%else%
- ICONMENU type:
- Added "%stayopen%" placeholder for the command field. If you click an item with this placeholder, the window don't get closed.
- Now you can manage the amount of the ItemStack. Put AMOUNT "comma" ITEMNAME ecc. "Example : 0:32,GOLDEN_APPLE:0:%stayopen%:Title:Description"
- Added $biome placeholder
- Added "overlay" command field. If "true" under another plugin command, mycommand works as "overlay", without override the original command. So both get executed.
- If a command with a "cost" don't execute any command, chargeback the money.
- Minor fixes and changes.
- Alias commands, now works like the older plugin version, if there isn't any $arg placeholder.
- The console now support the ALIAS command type.
- Fixed a typo in config.yml USE_THE_UPDATED -> USE_THE_UPDATER
- Changes for RUN_COMMAND_TASK command type:
- Added $Script$%while%
- task_run_n_times and task_repeat_every_sec now supports any placeholder ($arg1 ecc). Of course, the placeholder must be an number.
- Added task_show_debug command field
- Added the command field broadcast_message_permission_node as a replacement of the removed commands type here above. (works with BROADCAST_TEXT or the placeholder $broadcasttext$ in runcmd)
- The default command file, now is called examples.yml instead of commands.yml
NPCs location yaw (face direction) , don't work properly. (Bukkit API problem)