MyCommand v5.1.4
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UploadedNov 29, 2014
Size220.76 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
MyCommand Version 5.1.4
- Tested with Spigot 1.8
Fixed or updated:
- IconMenu commands now replace variables.
- Now you can use success-message and error-message for replace the default cost and itemcost message. (see example(s))
- Fixed permission-required with registered commands.
- Added $PlayerData%Variable% argument for commands
- Added $BCPlayerCount%servername% and $BCPlayerList%servername%. Works only with PLUGIN_MESSAGE_LISTENER on true, and BungeeCord Enable.
- Itemset redesigned. Now support left/right click separately and name support. (I have made this changes a lot of time ago asd) The config is changed, check it!.
Examples :
cost_example: command: /costexample cost: 5 success-message: "&aPaid &7%s $" error-message: "You need %s $ for perform this command!" itemcost_example: command: /itemcostexample itemcost: "COBBLESTONE:5" success-message: "&aSpent &7%s %s &aon this command" error-message: "You need %s %s for run this command!"
$PlayerData%Variable% for now it's limited (1 for line)